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Q: Why did shopkeepers stamp ration books?
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Why did the shopkeeper have to stamp your ration book in World War 2?

the shopkeepers in world war 2 had to stamp the ration books to make sure that the person collecting the rations could not collect more.

Who invented ration books?

who invented the ration books

What part of speech is ration books?

Ration books is a plural noun. The singular is ration book.

What was the spare stamp for in World War 2 ration books?

Extra products that might be added to the ration listing. This provided some flexibility to add or remove certain items. Such as shoes, or tires.

Can someone explain ration stamps for me?

Ration stamps were used to even distribute goods that were in limited supply. Each person in a household was issued a ration book. In addition to paying for the items, the proper ration stamps had to be given to the shopkeepers to get certain things.

What were the tabs in the ration books called?

Ration Tabs

What was ration stamp that has picture of wheat?

pagal kutta

What are ration stamps?

A ration stamp is similar to that of a food stamp. A ration stamp (or card) was given to the people of a country by their government and could be exchanged for food. This was mainly used during wartimes when things like bread, sugar, and coffee are in short supply and must be evenly divided among a group of people.

What was a ration book in the war?

It is a bookthatvyou got when the ration came out and you go down to the shop and you cangetconly one item of something and they stamp it.

What do ration books look like?

Ration books looked like little notebooks but inside them they're like little letter stamps

Did the soldiers in world war 2 get ration books too?

No, soldiers on active duty did not require ration books, the service provided for their needs.

Were World War 2 ration books distributed to children?

Ration books were issued by the US government to allow everyone to have the same chance to get goods as everyone else. There is no exact number on how many ration books were issued but over 8000 ration offices were opened to control the rationing.