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Slaveholders tried to convince poor whites that slavery was justified to maintain social order and prevent potential alliances between poor whites and slaves that could threaten the existing power structure. By promoting the idea that whites were superior and deserved more rights and privileges than slaves, slaveholders aimed to divide and control the lower classes to safeguard their own economic interests.

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Q: Why did slaveholder try to convince poor whites that slaves was justified?
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Why did slave holders try to convince poor whites that slavery was justified?

They needed their political support.

Why did slaveholders try to convince poor whites that slavery was justified?

needed their political support

Why did slaveholders try to convince poor and whites that slavery was justified?

Slaveholders wanted to create a united front among all white people to maintain their power and control over slaves. By convincing poor and whites that slavery was justified, they aimed to prevent any potential alliances or uprisings that could threaten the institution of slavery. Additionally, promoting the idea of white superiority helped to uphold a social hierarchy that benefited the slaveholders economically and socially.

Why did slaveholders try to convince poor whites that slavery was justfied?

Slaveholders wanted poor whites to feel superior to slaves, so that they would not unite with slaves to challenge the existing power structure. By convincing poor whites that they were better than slaves, slaveholders ensured that their control over slaves remained unchallenged. Additionally, slaveholders sought to maintain social order and stability by preventing potential uprisings or rebellions.

Why did slaveholders convince poor white slavery was justified?

Slaveholders convinced poor whites that slavery was justified by instilling a sense of superiority in them, based on race. By promoting the idea that poor whites were still better off than enslaved black individuals, slaveholders could maintain control over both groups and prevent potential solidarity or uprisings against the institution of slavery. This divide and conquer tactic reinforced social hierarchy and preserved the status quo.

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Why did slaveholders try to convince poor whites that slavery was justified?

needed their political support

Why did slave holders try to convince poor whites that slavery was justified?

They needed their political support.

Why cant blacks have white slaves now to get the whites back?

The whites who had slaves are all dead. Get over it.

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Southern whites were reluctant to emancipate their slaves because slaves were their livelihood. Slaves did all the dirty work such as farming and house hold chores.

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Did all whites own some land and had slaves in the south?

ANSWER:Not all Whites in the South owned land, nor did they have slaves. Many Whites were just as poor as the Black slaves. Many had to hire themselves out to do work for the wealthy land owners.Some Whites were sharecroppers with powerful plantation owners. Of course the wealthy land owners would take advantage of the Whites, just as they did with their slaves.

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Because the whites thought they were "superior" to the blacks. So when the slaves didn't want to work, they were abused.

Why did whites decide on the blacks for slaves?

because the black not as good as the whites, so the whites catch then black and send them to work for the whites

How were whites affected by the civil war?

Whites were affected because they could no longer have slaves. Slaves provided them with the majority of their income. Without slaves, many white lost their wealth.

Why did slaves get sold?

slaves were sold because the whites needed servant's to do there work

Who do the whites get to pacify the slaves?

Whip-wielding overseers, slave drivers, and plantation owners used physical violence and threats to keep slaves in line and maintain control over them. Other methods included religion, creating divisions among slaves, and offering rewards for compliance.

Why whites fear black slaves?

Whites may have feared black slaves due to the perceived threat of rebellion or uprising, as well as fears of loss of control and power. Whites also may have viewed black slaves as different or inferior, leading to feelings of superiority and the need to maintain dominance through fear.