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The reason so many died is because they had no immunity, it was a completly new thing for them.

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Q: Why did so many native Americans die from yellow fever?
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How many died from yellow fever?

over four thousand people died from yellow fever in philadelphia

What were the deadly affects of the Columbian exchange?

Through the Columbian Exchange, the Europeans spread many diseases, namely smallpox and measles, to the Native Americans. The East Coast's native population nearly halved in fifty years!

Is yellow fever in the US?

From website:Why is yellow fever not found in the United States presently? Has it not occurred in the past?The last yellow fever epidemic in the United States occurred in New Orleans in 1905.Yellow fever is primarily transmitted by Aedes aegyptimosquitoes. This particular type of mosquito is currently only found in the southern United States. For yellow fever to be introduced into the country, someone who is very recently infected with yellow fever has to visit or live in a location inhabited by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Then, that person has to be bitten by an Aedes aegypti mosquito that then bites and infects another person. This would have to happen many times for an outbreak of yellow fever to occur.Low occurrence of yellow fever world wide makes the introduction of yellow fever into the U.S. less likely. Additionally, many Americans are able to use preventative measures and secure their homes with tight fitting screens and air conditioning to prevent their exposure to mosquitoes.

Are native American and north American the same?

No, while many who are Native Americans are, in fact, North Americans, there are very many who are North Americans, but not at all of Native American descent.

How many Native Americans live in pueblo?

how many Native Americans live in Pueblo they did not have the awnser were i looked

How many native Americans lived at mission santa cruz?

1,2450 native americans

How did yellow fever play a role in the building of the Panama canal?

how did yellow fever play a role in the Panama Canal

What were the effects of the european immigration on the native americans?

The Europeans started to use the Native Americans as slaves.

Where to get the yellow fever vaccination in India?

There are not many places to get the Yellow Fever vaccination in India. You must go to the most prestigious hospitals to find the vaccination.

How many people died for yellow fever?

40% of the wolrd

What were the advantages of European exploration on the Native Americans?

There were many adnvantages and disadvantages of European exploration on the Native Americans

What dangers did the workers face during building the Panama Canal?

There were normal dangers of construction. They had heavy machinery moving about, the danger of large mud and dirt slides caving in on them. One big difficulty was malaria. Many workers died of yellow fever.