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Q: Why did some Americans in the southwest call for the repatriation of mexica imigrants?
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How are Mexicans related to Aztecs or Mayans?

In blood and culture. "Aztec" is a made up term created by Americans much later to seperate the ancient Mexica from the modern day Mexica when doing research. But they are one people.

What association do the Aztecs have with the mexica?

They were one and the same. The Aztec referred to themselves as Mexica, Tenochca or Colhua-Mexica.

What was the Mexica's name?

The Aztecs, today they are called the Mexica's

When was Drastea mexica created?

Drastea mexica was created in 1914.

What did the Aztecs call themselves when they were just one of many mesoamerican peoples?

mexica mexica

Why did mexica or Aztecs built Tenochitlan in toxcoco?

because mexica just feei like it

What did the Mexica do before they ended their wandering and start a city?

They were from a place known as Aztlan, the mythical ancestral home of the Mexica or Aztec people. It is believed Aztlan was somewhere in the US southwest, and after some civil war or any such conflict, several factions split up from the original tribe and began to migrate southward into present-day Mexico.

Did Mexico get its name from the Mexica?

Right. The Mexica or Aztecs named their city Mexico-Tenochtitlan, hence the name.

Are Native Americans close to Aztecs?

If you mean are they related, yes - the Aztecs or Mexica people of Mexico are natives of the Americas, just like the Kayapo of Brazil, the Haida of Canada and the Cheyenne of the USA, so they are all native Americans.

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