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Most of those that do seek full independence. Others seek Statehood where they would have two Senators and two voting members of the US House. The third body politic seeks the Status Quoto avoid US styled taxes.

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Q: Why did some Puerto Ricans resent U.S. control of their government?
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The word "resent" in French is spelled "ressentir."

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Why did the colonial government resent the British proclamation of 1763?

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The noun forms for the verb to resent are resentfulness and resentment.

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There are two meanings for the homograph resent. Resent (v): pronounced re-ZENT Feel bitterness or indignation Resent (v): pronounced REE-sent To send again

What part of speech of the word resent?

The word resentful is an adjective. It means inclined to resent.