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Some people did not think Mount Rushmore should be carved because it would cost a lot of money.

Some people didn't think that Federal land should be used for the project or that government funds should be used.

Native Americans felt that they owned the Black Hills and that the sculpture was intruding on their sacred lands.

Others were concerned about the affect the carving would have on the environment of the Black Hills.

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Q: Why did some people disagree with the carving of Mount Rushmore?
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Carving began in 1927 and ended in 1941, so it took 14 years to carve Mount Rushmore.

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Carving the figures into Mount Rushmore took 14 years, October 4, 1927 to October 31, 1941.

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Is Mount Rushmore a museum?

Mount Rushmore itself is not a museum. There are two museums on the grounds of the memorial. There is a Sculptor's Studio where you can see the tools and techniques used in carving the mountain. The Lincoln Borglum Visitor Center has photos and videos about the history of Mount Rushmore.

Why is Mount Rushmore such an important carving?

Mt. Rushmore depicts four American presidents of historical significance: Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt, and Lincoln. The sculpture was a massive undertaking; there is nothing else like it in the world. To use circular logic, it is important because people go there to see it.