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because some people think they can make a change

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Q: Why did some people support the rise of dictators?
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What were some of the problems that led to rise of dictators in Germany Italy and Japan?

poverty and enemployment

Why did the fascist dictators rise to power in some European countries in the 1930's?

The main reason for the rise of dictators in Europe and Asia during the 1930s was the fact that the dictators who were in charge at the time promised the people that the country would experience economic recovery. This was a period of time when the people were very poor and looking for a way out of poverty.

Reasons why so many dictators were able to rise to power in the 1930s?

Dictators were able to rise to power easily during the 1930s because of the recent World War and a world-wide depression. Many people were seeking economic stability, a surplus of food, a strong leader to help them, and some national pride. This is just what dictators like Hitler, Stalin, and Tojo offered.

Was Benito Mussolini a good ruler?

No, he was a dictator, dictators are not good rulers. ^ | | Not all dictators are BAD people. Some have done well.

What were some of the problems that led to the rise of dictators in Germany Italy and Japan?

Italy-Fascism Germany-Nazis Japan-Military rule

Did the great depression helped give rise to dictatorships in Europe?

The Great Depression lead to the rise of dictators because due to the economic downfall of numerous countries during the great depression, many parties revolted which provided the opportunity for dictators to rise.

Are there any predicted dictators in the future?

Given that there has not been so much as a year in mankind's history in which there weren't some dictators somewhere - and usually many everywhere - that would be a rather safe prediction, wouldn't it? So you may assume two things. Yes, some have no doubt "predicted" dictators. And yes, that's as much of a "prediction" as speaking of your feeling that the sun may rise tomorrow.

What effect of world war i led to rise of totalitarian regimes?

Many countries needed the military's help to recover after World War I which led to the rise of totalitarian regimes. The Great Depression left countries vulnerable to dictators. Many Europeans lost faith in their democratic governments. The Great Depression led countries to support new leaders, some of whom were totalitarians.

How did autocratic government effect Russia?

The government set the nation back several centuries, and gave rise to some terrible dictators who did poor things for the humanity of Russia.

Who are some dictators of the world?

Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Benito Mussolini were dictators.

What do dictators do to the journalists and writers?

Dictators are normally seen with some contempt and fear because of the history of modern dictators. Lashing out in the media is a way to try and overturn those that are undeserving of control by influencing popular opinion.

Who were some female dictators?

Emilia Marcos of the Philippines.