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Interesting connection. To answer that, you have to know what "Sloth" is. Sloth is basically extreme laziness - just sitting around all day, doing nothing, and doing even that very slowly. When the people were making up the Seven Deadly Sins, they came up with Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Pride and Greed pretty easily..then they got stumped. Wrath and Sloth filled out the dance card... When the animal now known as the Sloth was discovered, it's discoverers noted that it moved very slowly, if at all, and seemed to be very lazy...thus, they named it the Sloth. Can you imagine what they would have named it if it had picked up its poop and threw it at them?

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Q: Why did someone name an animal the sloth after a sin?
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What animal has the same name as one of the seven sins?

The animal that has the same name as one of the seven sins is a "sloth." "Sloth" refers to spiritual or physical laziness, while a sloth is a slow-moving mammal found in Central and South America.

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What is the spanish word for sloth?

perezoso = sloth (the animal), and a slothful person. Pereza = sloth (the act of sloth or the mortal sin)

What is sloth in the stone age?

If you mean sloth the Christian sin, then it's laziness. If you mean sloth the animal, then it's still an animal, it's just that there are many other species of it during the Paleolithic.

How is the word sloth pronounced?

Sloth the animal: o pronounced like ah, Slah-th Sloth the cardinal sin: o pronounced like ohh, slowth

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The questioner may be confounding sloth, the slow-moving animal, with Sloth, the "deadly sin" of laziness and neglect. The animal is not evil; it just lives its life without haste.

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Sin + Work

If you commit sloth do you go to hell?

Sloth is indeed one of the seven deadly sins. In classic Catholic terminology, serious sin is called mortal sin, because it caused death of the soul, and it only requires one mortal or serious sin to completely kill the life of the spirit in the soul. So, yes, serious sloth is more than enough to go to hell.

Is killing an animal a sin?

Killing an animal is only a sin if it is on purpose. If this animal is killed by accident it is not a sin.

Is it a sin to be this animal?

being an animal is not a sin, God created all animals

What is a capital sin?

CAPITAL SINS are the sins that can lead us to more SERIOUS sin. The Capital sins are Pride, Avarice(greed), Envy, Wrath(anger), Gluttony, Lust, and Sloth(being lazy).