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Well, if you were in the border states, the two armies kept trampling across your crops. And no matter where you were, there was a shortage of labor - Dad and the oldest sons were in the army, leaving grandpa and kids under 15 to work the fields.

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Q: Why did southern farmers face hard time?
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In both periods of time, farmers encountered a lot of problems regarding pests and parasites. They also had to put up with a rise in unknown crop diseases.

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because they were poor and had lost their jobs and had no needs

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in mid Atlantic women had to stay and clean taking care of their children while their husbands went working it was very hard work the women those days when they wanted to say something they had to keep it quiet.Even though the had rights at that time they never had rights .now they have the right to say their opinion.

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hard kissing is good to a certain point. dont press your face up against the others really hard, but get into it, go hardcore with it... if the time is right. Rub and feel the other up. hard kissing is good to a certain point. dont press your face up against the others really hard, but get into it, go hardcore with it... if the time is right. Rub and feel the other up.

What are tenent farmers?

Tenant farmers are farmers that rent land from another person for a period of time

What did the colonies grow?

Farmers in the middle colonies grew wheat, barley, oats, rye, and corn. Farmers in the southern colonies grew tobacco, indigo, peaches, and rice. Farmers in the New England colonies had a rough time growing food due to the climate, but they often had plenty of food and fish.