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There is no information available about a situation where Teppy blackmailed Beppo. It's possible that this scenario is fictional or not widely known.

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Q: Why did teppy blackmail beppo?
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What is the summary for chapter 9 in the wooing of beppo tate?

roy and beppo go to get birds for the blackmail by teppy... beppo gets an owl which is not so edible... beppo goes by teppy and say that it is a very big chicken... after teppy finds out that he gets very angry

How do you describe the relationship between beppo and teppy?

the relationship between beppo and teppy is that,at first when beppo first met teppy it was the day after he was adopted by Tate or "the old man".Beppo thought teppu was a greddy.rude.unkind person and

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The summary of chapter in beppo tate is: the old man cooked sunday dinner of rice and peas, and roast beef with gravy. While beppo was wandering around the place he somehow reached Teppy's house. Teppy was so mean to not offer Beppo any of his food that he started to say it was snake meat alligator jowls. Teppy asked what brings him here and beppo said he only wanted mrs belmont daughter and that was when started to blackmail beppo.

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beppo got blackmailed by teppy and mr.tate and mrs.belmont were mortal enemies

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Summary of chapter 1 in the wooing of beppo tate?

the old man adopted beppo and his first meal it was luxorious and it had frgrant smell.beppo and the old man were getting along just fine.every saturday a man by the name of teppy will normally come to visit mr tate.when it was teppys first time meeting beppo and beppos first time meeting teppy.teppy said to beppo what is your name and beppo said that his name is beppo and teppy said what a funny name beppo did your parents ran out of names,teppy asked beppo how many people are in your family and beppo said ten people are in my family teppy said no wonder they ran out of names.beppo was ready to back chat teppy but he didnt.

What are the major conflict in the book The Wooing of Beppo Tate?

C. Everard Palmer

What did teppy in the wooing of beppo tate look like?

Teppy in "The Wooing of Beppo Tate" is described as a large, muscular man with a menacing presence. He has dark eyes and speaks in a gruff manner, often intimidating those around him with his tough demeanor.

What happens in chapter 3 of The Wooing of Beppo Tate?

The summary of chapter in beppo tate is: the old man cooked sunday dinner of rice and peas, and roast beef with gravy. While beppo was wandering around the place he somehow reached Teppy's house. Teppy was so mean to not offer Beppo any of his food that he started to say it was snake meat alligator jowls. Teppy asked what brings him here and beppo said he only wanted mrs belmont daughter and that was when started to blackmail beppo.

What did teppy do to beppo?

I'm not certain about the specific context you're referring to, but typically, the relationship between Teppy and Beppo would depend on their interactions. They could have engaged in various activities together such as playing, communicating, or sharing resources. If you provide more details, I can tailor my response accordingly.

What caused the blackmail in chapter 3 in the wooing of beppo tate book?

In chapter 3 of "The Wooing of Beppo Tate," blackmail occurred because Mr. Rammer suspected Miss Chetwood of stealing money from the school's charity fund. He used this knowledge to manipulate her into withdrawing her objections to Beppo Tate's admission to the school.