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Because of the way the British treated Ireland, Irish immigrants wanted nothing to do with supporting the allies.

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Q: Why did the 4.5 million Irish Americans sympathize with Germany and the Central Power?
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Why did 4.5 million irish americans sympathize with germany and the central powers?

Because all they knew was yayo!!

What major Central power lost the most troops in World War 1?

Germany (the German Empire) lost the most troops of all Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria). Quoted figures are contradictory, once source listing a total of about 2 million men killed or missing, while another lists 1.8 million killed and another 1.1 million missing or unaccounted for.

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The main targets of these attacks were Americans who had emigrated from other nations, those from Germany and Austria-Hungary. the most bitter attacks were directed against the nearly 2 million Americans of German descent suffered as well.

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Yes. As of 2013 there are about 350 million Americans and about 60 million Brits.

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Germany was made to pay £6,600 million of reparations, however they did not pay it all.

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