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Q: Why did the Age of Discovery turn into the Age of Exploitation?
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I t Depends on the person of the age of discovery

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The discovery that started the neolithic age was farming

What is the relationship between the Gutenberg printing press and the Age of Discovery?

The Age of Discovery was fueled by written travel accounts and popular maps that were printed and sold widely.

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What was the importance of francicso Pizarro discovery?

Francisco Pizarro's discovery of the Inca Empire in Peru led to Spanish conquest, colonization, and exploitation of the region. It resulted in the downfall of the Inca civilization and paved the way for Spanish dominance in South America.

What are some negative effects of the discovery of America?

Some negative effects of the discovery of America include colonization, exploitation of native populations, spread of diseases that devastated indigenous communities, and environmental damage due to deforestation and resource extraction.

What is the relationship of Gutenberg printing press and the age of discovery?

The Age of Discovery was fueled by written travel accounts and popular maps that were printed and sold widely.

When did the Age Discovery begin?

The Age of Discovery began in the 15th century, around the late 1400s. This era marked a period of exploration and discovery by European powers, leading to significant voyages to various parts of the world.

How did the renaissance and reformation affect age the discovery?

The Renaissance and Reformation influenced the Age of Discovery by promoting intellectual curiosity, scientific inquiry, and religious reforms. The spirit of humanism from the Renaissance encouraged exploration and discovery, while the Reformation challenged established authority, leading to voyages of discovery funded by new nations seeking wealth and power. This convergence of cultural, religious, and technological changes fueled the Age of Discovery.

What time began discover age?

began with the discovery of

What was the period from 1450 to 1650 called?

The Age of Discovery.

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