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To prevent either country from staging more attacks.

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Q: Why did the Allied Powers enact demilitarization plans in both germany and japan?
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Why did the allied powers enact demilitarization plans in Germany and japan?

To prevent either country from staging more attacks.

What powers are powers only states have?

Reserved Power

Shared by the state and federal governments?

There are some powers, known as concurrent powers, that are shared between state and federal governments. For example, both governments can collect taxes and enact laws.

Sentence for enact?

The word enact is a verb. A sentence using enact: The NRA is concerned the government will enact a new gun control law.

How do you use enact in sentence?

Enact- to make into a law.

Use enact in a sentence?

Let's try to enact this law today.

What is the roll of the legislative branch?

The constitution grants congress the sole authority to enact legislation and declare war, the right to confirm or reject many presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers.

Why did Truman enact the Berlin Airlift?

West Berlin was isolated within soviet controlled germany. the berlin airlift stopped the city from staving to death when the soviets cut off the only road from west germany to west berlin.

What part of speech is enact?

The word enact is a verb. The past tense is enacted.

What is enacting?

Enacting is the present participle of the word enact. Enact means to create a bill or law. Enact can also mean to act something out, such as in a play.

Another word for implied powers clause?

An alternative term for the implied powers clause is the necessary and proper clause. This clause, found in Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United States Constitution, grants the federal government the authority to enact laws that are necessary and proper to carry out its other enumerated powers.

What is a sentence using the word enact?

The local townfolks try to enact their own laws.