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Q: Why did the American colonists favor a representative government separate from England?
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Which act by the British government caused the American colonists to write the Declaration of Independence and separate from Great Britain?

requirement that the colonists pay taxes on British goods

What describes the attitude of the british toward American colonists?

Colonists were a people separate from Britain. For Apex.

When did the colonists separate from England?

18th century after the American revolution

Who explained to the world why the American colonies should separate from Great Britain?

american colonists

When the colonists wrote the mayflower compact and promised to obey it were they establishing a separate government from England?

Yes they were.

Why did the Jamestown colonists feel the need for self government?

They wanted to separate themselves from the British laws.

What writing by Thomas Paine convinced thousands of American colonist to separate from Britain?

Common Sense was the writing where Thomas Paine convinced thousands of American colonists to separate from Britain.

Read the sentence from the Declaration of Independence. Which idea does this sentence help to develop?

The colonists should separate from Great Britain and create their own government :)

What is history of America?

America was first discovered by Europeans in the 1600s, and they (primarily England) began to populate the country with colonists. These colonists eventually decided to separate from England, and the American Revolution resulted. The colonists won the Revolution, and the United States of America was formed.

Did the colonist get their independence from the British government?

Yes, because Britain is treating the colonists unfairly, and the colonists have rights to stand up and take action! Britain is violating those right, and the colonists are doing nothing to stop them! If the colonists separate from Britain, they then get to make their own laws, have their own government, and freedom!

What did great Britain's decision to tax the American colonies on imported goods cause the colonists to do?

write the declaration of independence and separate from great Britain.

What statement best describes the reason why the American colonies developed a separate culture from Great Britain?

colonists and Britain were geographically separated by a great distance