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The Church of England did not break away from the Eastern Orthodox Church, it broke from the Roman Catholic Church in 1534.

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Q: Why did the Anglican church break away from the eastern othodox?
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Which group of English people wanted to break away from the Anglican Church (Church of England)?


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What church did the Quakers break away from?

The Quakers were founded in the mid 1600s by George Fox. Technically they did not break away from any church although mainstream religion in the UK at the time was Anglican.

What is Anglican faith church?

Within Christianity there are various churches, or 'traditions', such as the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church. These are often called 'denominations'. One of these church traditions is called 'Anglican'. This word means 'English' and the 'Anglican Church' was originally another name for the Church of England but is now also often used for other national Anglican churches such as the Anglican Church of Canada. The various national Anglican churches belong to the worldwide Anglican Communion. In some countries, such as the United States, the national Anglican church is called the Episcopal Church and its members are often called 'Episcopalians'.

Who started the Anglican church and how?

== == The Anglican Church (the Church of England) is the historical continuation of the Christian Church that was started in the early centuries of Christianity. In the reign of King Henry VIII the Church of England began to separate from being under the jurisdiction of the Pope. This was a culmination of a number of schisms involving the Eastern Church, and the protestant movement that was begun in Germany by Martin Luther to protest at what was seen as corruption in the Catholic Church. After alltercations between Henry and the pope, not least the pope's refusal to grant Henry a divorce, he decided too to break away from Rome to form his own church - the church of England, with Christ at its head (and not the Pope) and himself and every subsequent monarch as the Supreme Governor on earth, with the Archbishop of Canterbury as spiritual head. == ==

What event signaled the break between the Roman Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox Church?

The leaders of each church mutually excommunicated each other.

Who is Thomas More in A Man for All Seasons?

He was the Lord Chancellor of England. When Henry VIII wanted to break from the Catholic Church & start the Anglican Church, Thomas More opposed it, & was subsequently Martyred by being beheaded.

What English group of people wanted to break away from the Anglican church?

Actually, there was two who wanted to leave the English church. They were the Pilgrams and thr Quakers. Both groups came to the colonies to create the life that they wanted.