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Q: Why did the Articles of Conference fail?
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What were the Articles of Confederation and why did the fail?

read your textbook :)

What does the original US Constitution fail to do?

articles of confederation

How did the Articles of Confederation fail to implement the ideas set forth in the Declaration of Independence?

by the weaknesses of the articles of confederation

A conference held to analyze perceived flaws in the Articles of Confederation were?

Annapolis Convention.

What were some of the defects of the articles that the delgates to the Annapolis conference listed?

See below link:

What was the first constitution in the United states to fail?

Th e articles of confederation.

Why did the articles of confedetation fail?

The Articles of Confederation failed because the government had no way to collect taxes to keep itself running under it's legislature.

How did the Articles of Confederation fail and how did the founding fathers organize the new government the way they did?

The Articles of Confederation failed because it did not have the power to deal with an economic crisis. The Articles of Convention failed, because the colonistas disagreed with them.

What did the Articles of Confederation fail to do?

The Articles of Confederation sought to create the states independence but it had many problems. One such problem was there was no court system and Congress did not have the power to tax.

What did the Articles of Confederation fail?

To much power was left to the states and enouugh power was left to congress

Which document was ratified by the states in 1781 only to have it fail in the following five years?

Articles of Confederation

What event caused George Washington to change his mind and attend the conference to revise the Articles of Confederation?

Shays's rebellion