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Q: Why did the Aztecs make blood sacrifices to the sun god?
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Why did the Aztecs make sacrifices?

The Aztecs made sacrafices because they thought that their god needed a feast of blood to balance the world

Why did the Aztecs make sacrifices to the sun of god?

Aztecs believed that if they make a sacrifice each day to the sun of god, the sun will rise the next day.

Why did the Aztecs fell that they needed to give the sun god human sacrifices?

The Aztecs believed that the world was created and fueled by blood of the gods. The running of human blood, to the Aztecs, was the only way to obtain plentiful water and crops from the sun god each year.

What did the Aztecs give the rain god?

human sacrifices

Where did the Aztecs sacrifices take place?

In the great temple where the sun god is.

Did Aztecs' really sacrifice peoples hearts and offer them to the sun god?

Yes. The Aztecs did do human sacrifices of their hearts and gave it to their sun of god, Huitzilopochtli.

Why did the Aztecs perform human sacrifices as part of their religion?

The Aztecs wanted to please the Gods, and by sacrificing people to the Gods, they thought it would make the God happy and the God would grant good fortune onto the Aztecs (like good crops or weather).

Who sacrificed the Aztecs and Why?

Priests conducted sacrifices by cutting open the chest and tearing out the heart. It was done in honour of the Aztec god of the sun. The Aztecs were superstitious and thought that the god would destroy the world if they didn't get human blood to feed on (they were a violent race)

Why did the Aztecs feel that they needed to give the sun god human sacrifices?

so they could have a have good for crops

What did the Aztecs demand from the lands they conquered?

The Aztecs demanded the people in that city to pay tribute, honor the god, and promise obedience to the Aztec ruler.Also they demanded sacrifices.

What did the Aztecs feed to their god?

human hearts and blood

Why and how did the Aztecs makes sacrifices to the sun god?

They cut peoples heart out and held it up (while still beating) to the sun.