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It can be high in caffeine and the herbs in it can be good for your body (such as skin, ect.) and it tastes amazing!

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13y ago

Drinking tea at 4 in the afternoon was, and proabably still is for some Brits, sort of a tradition and a treat.

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Q: Why did the British colonists like drinking tea?
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Why was tea so important to the colonist?

Most colonists were of British desent, tea to the British is like beer to the Germans and vodka to the Russians. Tea was just a huge part of British culture.

What were some of the ways colonists protested the Britain taxes?

Another way instead of the Boston Tea Party that colonists might have done to protest the Tea Act was not buying the British tea. If many colonists didn't buy tea from Britain or just stop drinking it then the British wouldn't be making a profit from that sale and this would anger them because they need money. Maybe the British would lower the prices or make a compromise with the colonies.

Why did the colonists destroy the British tea?

because the british kept taxing the tea! so the colonists decided too protest, and dump the tea into Boston Harbor

What other ways beside the Boston tea act party might colonists have protested the tea act?

Another way instead of the Boston Tea Party that colonists might have done to protest the Tea Act was not buying the British tea. If many colonists didn't buy tea from Britain or just stop drinking it then the British wouldn't be making a profit from that sale and this would anger them because they need money. Maybe the British would lower the prices or make a compromise with the colonies.

Did the Tea Act state that colonists had to buy tea from China?

No, they boycotted British tea

What was the British response to the colonists' actions of the tea act?

the british made them pay for all the destroyed tea

How did Boston colonists protests the new british tax on tea?

The colonists dressed up as Indians and threw british tea into the Boston Harbor and that act is now known as the Boston Tea Party

Why did the colonists held the Boston Tea Party?

To protest British taxation of tea.

When did the colonists dumped the tea?

The colonist dumped tea because the British were taxing them

What message did the Boston Tea Party send the British?

The colonists were outraged when the British taxed the colonists (after the French Indian War) crazy amounts. The British had a large tax on the colonists favorite drink, tea. So the colonists dumped a ton of tea off a British ship in Boston Harbor to make the point that they did not want to be taxed so heavily.

Which protest where colonists including Benjamin Franklin dressed like Indians and threw tea into Boston harbor to protests the british tea tax?

Boston Tea Party

What was the reason the British imposed the Tea Act on the Colonists?

The reason the British imposed the Tea Act on the Colonists was due to debt. Britain had taken on much debt to help the colonists and they were trying to recover some of the funds.