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Answer 1

The British mandatory gave up Palestine because it wanted Jews to live and own Palestine at the same time it did not want the Arabs to hate them so they let the USA to take over. the British also knew that the USA will give the Jews what they wanted because some Jews lived in USA and also the formation of the Irgun began at the USA.

Answer 2

The British Mandatory government starting with the White Papers in 1939 and increasingly restrictive practices was actively seeking to prevent the creation of a Jewish State. This was in order to curry favor with the Arabs whose oil the British greatly desired. Angered that the British were betraying their promise to both the Jews directly in the Balfour Declaration and their requirements pursuant to the League of Nations Mandate, Jewish terrorist organizations in Mandatory Palestine attacked British fortifications. The Irgun and Lehi (the two such organizations) caused sufficient problems for the British and forced their hand in the International Community. Not wanting to try to keep the peace between the increasingly militant Jewish militias (like the Haganah and Palmach) from the increasingly militant Arab militias (like the Holy War Army and the Arab Liberation Army), the British referred the question of Mandatory Palestine to the United Nations. This way, they would not have to lose more British soldiers in the quagmire.

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Q: Why did the British give up their right to mandate Palestine to the UN?
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Who did the British give mandate of Palestine to?

Israel and TransJordan

What did the British give up when the state of Israel was created?

They gave up control of the Mandate of Palestine.

What is the relation between Palestine and the United Nations?

It depends on what you are calling Palestine. If you are referring to the British Mandate for Palestine, as a mandate, the territory was subject to League of Nations final authority. The job of the British was to safeguard the territory on behalf of the League and to advance the modernization and independence of the territory in accordance with the provisions of the mandate. When the United Nations superseded the League of Nations, the United Nations became the final authority in adjudicating issues related to the Mandate. in 1947, the British decided to give the UN a voice in determining the future of the mandate. In UNGA Resolution 181 (II), the United Nations resolved to create two states: a Jewish State and an Arab State. This resolution sets up the groundwork and legal basis for the existence of two countries: Israel (the Jewish State) and Palestine (the Arab State). If you are referring to the current State of Palestine. It has unofficial recognition in the United Nations and has recognition in several UN organizations like UNESCO. Palestine continually pushes for increased recognition to have better leverage in determining its future vis-à-vis Israel.

What country did the British give up when Israel was created?

The British withdrew from the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE, which was not a sovereign country at any point prior to British control. It was a subservient territory to a number of prior empires.

Where did the Jews immigrate from during World War 2?

Some of the Jews who survived the Holocaust moved to British Mandate Palestine after World War 2. The U.N. later voted to give the Jews a homeland in Palestine. mainly just palestine!

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God gave them the right. They thought this to be true.

Was Israel controlled by another country?

The area Israel controls was historically controld by many empires. Babylon, Persia, Rome, the Ottomans. After WW1, the League of Nations made it a British mandate. Britain controled it until it referred the conflict between Jews and Palestine to the UN which gave Israel independence in 1948 with the promise to give Palestine its own state.

What was the biggest mistake committed by Great Britain during its pre-colonial or colonial rule in Palestine?

The answer to this depends on your perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.Answer 1The biggest mistake the Great Britain made with respect to the administration of the Mandate for Palestine was the issuing of the 1939 White Paper barring Jewish immigration to Palestine. It was a failure and a disgrace on all accounts. First, it showed that the British were willing to give in to Arab pressure. It was this belief that would eventually give Gamal Abdel Nasser the gall to nationalize the Suez Canal and provoke conflict with the British. Second, it was a complete about-face of British policy. Prior to this point, it was very clear from the Balfour Declaration and the terms of the British Mandate for Palestine that the area would be given to a Jewish State. Third, the period from 1939-1946, when the White Paper had effect was the time in history when Jews most needed a place to flee to. By upholding the White Paper, the British prevented Jews who could have escaped Europe from finding refuge. Tens of thousands of Jews may have been spared from the Holocaust if they could have arrived and settled in Mandatory Palestine. Finally, while the Arabs would continue to have an antagonistic relationship towards the British regardless of what they did, there was no reason to antagonize the Jewish Settlers who were pro-British for the most part. By approving the White Papers, the British cast their position with the Zionists into doubt with no serious diplomatic gain from the Arab side.

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the zhou dynasty lost the mandate of heaven because there were too many natural disasters and rebellions which didnt give the people the right to rule

Why did Britain give Palestine to the Jews?

Politically, the British wanted Jewish Militias in Palestine as well as wealthy pro-Zionist patrons to join the British War Effort and therefore promoted the Balfour Declaration as a way of getting that aid.

Can you give me the word mandate in a sentence?

"We got nothing going on with the mandate," Larry answered.

What does it mean for God to give a mandate?

In law, a mandate is an order or authoritative command handed down from a leader or judge. A mandate from God is the same.