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because the settlers rebelled and the English tryied to retalliate and the french supported the Americans.

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They didn't.

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Q: Why did the British lose the war of independence?
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Which war did the Americans fight the British for independence?

The Revolutionary War.

What was the second war for Independence?

The Second War for American Independence was in 1812. The war was a fight with the British along with their Indian allies.

Why was the Revolutionary War called the war of Independence?

it was called the war of independence because the colonies was fighting for freedom from the British rule

Who won from the British as a result of the war for Independence?

the colonists

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Which war the referred to as the '' second war of independence?

no it was not. the war of 1812 is known as the second war for independence.

Who were mercenaries who fought for the British.?

In the War of Independence, the Germanic Hessians fought for and with British soldiers.

Why did the American Revolutionary War occur?

For independence from British rule.

Who was the British admiral in us war of independence?

Samuel Hood

Are the Civil War and the war for independence the same?

They are NOT the same. However Civil war may pave way for Independence like Bangladesh. And civil war may not lead to independence at all. After Independence civil war may happen like US of America, which did not result in another spell of Independence. The American War of Independence in 1775 was a civil war. The colonists were British just as much as the British in Barbados or the Isle of Wight. The only became "Americans" after they had gained their independence and been recognised as a new country.

Who was against america in the Revolutionary War?

The British because the American colonies were fighting for independence from the British