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Galileo was constrained from teaching his theories as fact as he couldn't prove the facts that he was teaching. On the whole, the Church was very favorable to Galileo, the last Pope who was dealing with him was even a good friend of his. Nevertheless, Galileo kept insisting he was right, even when he could not come forward with any proof, until he angered every Church official he dealt with. For the full story, please see the link below.

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The Church ordered Galileo to abandon the Copernican idea. The Coperrnican system threatened the Church's entire conception of the universe and seemed to contradict The Bible.

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Q: Why did the Catholic Church have problems with Copernicus' theory?
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What role did the catholic church play in the development of heliocentric theory promoted by Copernicus and Galileo?

the church rejected the theory and tried to punish scientists for promoting it.

What role did the Catholic Church in the play of development of the heliocentric theory promoted by Copernicus and Galileo?

the church rejected the theory and tried to punish scientists for promoting it.

What role did the catholic play in the development of the heliocentric theory promoted by Copernicus and Galileo?

the church rejected the theory and tried to punish scientists for promoting it.

Why did Copernicus ask for his book to be published after his death?

because he did not want to be embarresed by the Roman Catholic church because they might (and did) reject his theory

Who disagreed with Nicolaus Copernicus' theory and why?

Copernicus´s theory that the sun and not the Earth was the centre of the universe was ojected to by the Catholic Church. The church believed that the Earth was special so it had to be the centre and did not believe the evidence as no one could feel the Earth moving. The church went on to persecute many thinkers that supported the sun centred theory.

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The Church viewed Copernicus's theory as heresy because Christian beliefs stated that all of the universe revolved around earth.

Why did the Catholic Church condemn the theories of Copernicus?

Because the church at the time believed in holy things. The thought Nicolaus was a heretic. (He was spreading false rumors according to them)Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church never condemned the theories of Copernicus. As a matter of fact, the Church supported him and urged him to publish his theories, which he did with a dedication to the current Pope. Sixty-three years after his death, the protestants objected to his theories, and subsequently, when Galileo published similar theories, Copernicus (and Galileo's work was edited to say that it was only a theory, as neither man had actually proved their theories, and there were problems with some influential Churchman at the time who thought that the theories contradicted Sacred Scripture.

Which statement describes the controversy by Galileo's heliocentric theory?

Galileo did not propose a heliocentric theory, he agreed with Copernicus and his heliocentric theory. The Catholic church, at the time, disagreed and they held a huge amount of power and put him on trial.

How did scientists respond to Copernicus?

The main response to his theory came from the Catholic Church. In this time period the church taught that man was the center of the universe and his theory proved that wasn't true. The church put him on trial for questioning the dogma that they preached. Others were very careful not to have the church turn their eye on them.

What was the most notable about nicolaus Copernicus' work?

He challenged the theory which was then accepted that the earth is at the centre of everything (geocentric theory) with the sun, moon, planets and stars orbiting it. He replaced it with the theory that the sun was at the centre (heliocentric theory), which greatly irritated the Catholic Church.

What was Copernicus' theory about the sun and planets. how was it different from what people believed before?

Copernicus's theory was called the Heliocentric Theory. It said that the Earth and planets orbited around the sun, and the Sun was the center of the universe. The previous theory, mainly advocated by the Catholic Church, was called the Geocentric Theory; which stated that the Sun and planets orbited around the Earth, and that the Earth was the center of the Universe.

What discoveries of Galileo's helped confirm the views of Copernicus?

With the use of his new invention, the telescope, Galileo was able to verify Copernicus's theory that the Earth revolves around the Sun. He was placed under house arrest for his views, by the Catholic Church.