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Q: Why did the Chinese government not want Opium to be used in its Society?
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How many Chinese people became addicted to opium by 1835?

around 2 000 000 Chinese people used opium on a habitual basis

When did china prohibited opium trade?

Opium has been available for 5,000 years. Chinese indigenous opium was inferior to the opium grown by the British on Indian plantations, so opium users favored the imported product. The British essentially forced imported opium on the Chinese, and large numbers of people became addicted. The British used profits to fund its domination of India. The Chinese government tried to control drug abuse in the 19th century, but found it was impossible without British support. The British were very much against the Chinese growing their own opium. There is no reason to believe that poppies are not native to parts of China. See "Opium," by Martin Booth.

Why did the Chinese engage in the opium wars?

The British conducted an extremely lucrative trade exporting opium from their colony India to China. They were well aware that this activity caused widespread opium addiction in China, but they did not see that as their concern. After several futile attempts by the Chinese Government to get the import and use of opium under some form of control, it finally simply forbade and actively blocked the import.The big opium traders then pulled strings within the British Government, citing the seizure of opium imports by the Chinese government without compensation as a 'just' reason for war. Britain sent in a number of warships and forced the Chinese to re-allow opium imports and other British trade.Under the rules of the peace treaty after this 'First' opium war, British and other Westeners got great freedom of movement. Notable among them were British and American missionaries, who generally treated the Chinese beliefs and traditions with contempt and who were often aggressive as wel as condescending in their conversion activities. This in turn led to a number of killings of Westerners by scandalized Chinese and a general deterioration of relations between China and the West.Western countries - first Britain and France, later also Germany - used this, in combination with their complaints about insufficient freedom and volume of trade, as a pretext to start the Second Opium War. The Western powers also won this war, that led to the fall of the Chinese Governement, the legalization of the opium trade and the right of Western missionaries to freely evangelize and convert Chinese to Christianity.So it is more a matter of the Chinese being engaged in these wars than engaging in them themselves.

What are the first psychotropic drug?

Opium. The Chinese used it over 3500 years ago.

What weapons were used in the Opium War of 1839?

There were some long 10 foot guns the Chinese used but other than that I don't know.:)

Why is opium no longer used as an ingredient in perfume?

Opium is no longer used as an ingredient in perfume because of its additive quality. Though YSL produces a perfume named Opium, there is no ingredient of opium used in the manufacture of the perfume Opium!

How is music used in a Chinese society?

By doing it... by alice kitcher:)))

What is the history of Chinese garter?

The garter in Chinese society was meant to be a sign of purity. It is often still used in Western society as a fun game at weddings.

Why did the two opium wars start in China?

The Opium War started with the British East India company selling Opium in India, when the market for Opium in India ran out the British decided to trade with China. The British shipped Opium into Canton and then sold it to the Chinese merchants, selling it to the Chinese people. By the 1830's China had been flooded with tons of cheap Opium. In 1839 the Imperial Commissioner for Canton wanted to cut off all Opium trade with the British, his name was Lin Tse-hsu. Because the British used the money from the Opium to buy things such as tea and porcelain, which were all in great demand in Britain, the British were not happy. Despite China's warnings Britain sold the Opium illegally for a higher price. Meanwhile the British had began their renaissance because they were white they found some mexicans to help them build weirdass english houses and make tea cabinets China was distraught and beheaded all Britons in China, those who surrendered were forced to work farms in China, as you can imagine the British were not happy about this either. However the Chinese sent a small army of junks to Britain but the British already sent a small but powerful army of modern naval fleets. The two countries met in the middle of the ocean and that was how the war started. The British won and forced the Chinese to pay in silver, tea, porcelain and made them sign a treaty.

Why was the opium war fought?

There were two Opium Wars sometimes called the Anglo-Chinese war. Both were struggles about trade rights in China. The high tarriff placed on imported opium by the Chinese Government and the attempt by Anglo traders to circumvent the tax resulted in the Chines siezure of about four million pounds from the warehouses of the Traders. The Chinese burned the opium. In the war that followed the British occupied Canton and the 1842 Treaty of Nanking gave Britain trading concessions and Hong Kong. The French and Americans demand for equal trading rights brought on the second Opium War which was resolved by the 1958 Treaty of Tienstin, granting French and America to trade in China on an equal footing with the British. It also allowed missionary entry into China and to hold and own property within China. Most favored trading status appears to be founded on the right to sell drugs, property rights, and the desire to spread your own beliefs to others.

How do you use opium in a sentence?

opium is a drug that you smoke so you could say, "My father used to smoke opium".

Why did a Roxy come as opium in drug test?

If a drug test has detected opium, then the person tested has used opium.