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Well, first of all, they're not called plank houses. They era called pit houses. They used them because

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Q: Why did the Chinook use plank houses?
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What is the Chinook's plankhouse used for?

Plank houses were everyday houses.

How the Chinook tribe lived in long houses?

wooden plank houses

What were the Chinook Indians like?

wooden plank houses

What were the Chinook Indians homes like?

wooden plank houses

What type of home did the Chinook tribe live in?

They lived in cedar plank houses.

What type of houses did the Chinook live in?

Chinook people lived in cedar plank houses. You can visit a modern plank house at Ridgefield, Washington. The Chinook lived in long houses with more than fifty people sharing one house. In 2005, a full-scale replica of a Chinook-style cedar plank house was built at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge near Ridgefield, Washington. This area was once an area of inhabitance for the Cathlapotle tribe (a Chinook people). The Chinook Indians lived in longhouses made out of cedar wood. The houses were usually up to 70ft. long.

What type of houses the Chinooks live in?

Chinook people lived in cedar plank houses. You can visit a modern plank house at Ridgefield, Washington. The Chinook lived in long houses with more than fifty people sharing one house. In 2005, a full-scale replica of a Chinook-style cedar plank house was built at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge near Ridgefield, Washington. This area was once an area of inhabitance for the Cathlapotle tribe (a Chinook people). The Chinook Indians lived in longhouses made out of cedar wood. The houses were usually up to 70ft. long.

What type of house did Chinook live in?

Chinook people lived in cedar plank houses. You can visit a modern plank house at Ridgefield, Washington. The Chinook lived in long houses with more than fifty people sharing one house. In 2005, a full-scale replica of a Chinook-style cedar plank house was built at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge near Ridgefield, Washington. This area was once an area of inhabitance for the Cathlapotle tribe (a Chinook people). The Chinook Indians lived in longhouses made out of cedar wood. The houses were usually up to 70ft. long.

What did the Chinook's live in?

The Chinooks lived in cedar plank houses or know as longhouses. Hopefully that answered your question!

What type of house did the Chinooks live?

Chinook people lived in cedar plank houses. You can visit a modern plank house at Ridgefield, Washington. The Chinook lived in long houses with more than fifty people sharing one house. In 2005, a full-scale replica of a Chinook-style cedar plank house was built at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge near Ridgefield, Washington. This area was once an area of inhabitance for the Cathlapotle tribe (a Chinook people). The Chinook Indians lived in longhouses made out of cedar wood. The houses were usually up to 70ft. long.

Did the Chinook indans live in teepees?

No, the Chinook Indians did not live in teepees. Indians on the Northwest Coast lived in cedar long houses, sometimes called plank houses. These houses were from 50 to 100 feet long and made of split cedar logs. There is a good example of a plank house at the Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge in Ridgefield, WA near Portland, OR.

What type of wood did the Chinook use to build houses?

The Chinook used cedar wood to build their houses.