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Q: Why did the General assembly start to play a larger role in the United Nations?
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In general, states in the western part of the United States are larger than the states in the eastern part.

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Vatican City is officially a country, not a nation-state. Wikipedia states:Vatican City is different. Although there was a larger Papal State, it was created in its present form by the 1929 Lateran treaties between Italy and the Roman Catholic Church.Yes, Vatican City is an independent and sovereign nation, the smallest in the world.

What is the common wealth of nations?

The Commonwealth of Nations is a group of states that consider Queen Elizabeth II to be their head, but with the exception of the United Kingdom are politically independent of British Rule. They consist mostly of former British colonies and territories, including Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria among the larger nations. The United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are part of the commonwealth.

Why was a new organization the united nations created to replace the league of nations?

The League did not have a powerful armed force and could not enforce the required resolutions. It could not keep its economic sanctions. It failed to prevent the second world war. Hence it was replaced by the United Nations.

What effect would the league of nations have on America?

Well, the League of Nations could of had a variety of effects on America, it could of either promoted peace and or caused larger conflicts that would embellish all the countries in the league of nations, to go to war. Nevertheless, its effect upon America I believe would of been very parallel to that of the United Nations, which was signed after the conclusion of WWII.

Which country is larger is area the United states or Canada?

Canada is larger in area than the United States.

Which country is larger in area the United States or Canada?

Canada is larger in area than the United States.

Does Canada has a larger surface area and a significantly larger population than the US.?

As noted in the expert answers: Canada has a larger surface area than the USA. Canada has a much smaller population than the USA. With 3 expert answers, this can be retired from the featured questions.

What was colonization of a smaller nation for a larger nations profit called?

The colonization of a smaller nation for a larger nation's profit is typically referred to as imperialism.

Which event in 1935-1936 proved that the League of Nations could not protect small nations from attack by larger ones?

The Abyssinian Crisis.

In general what do you notice about the states in the western part of the US versus the states in the eastern part?

In general, states in the western part of the United States are larger than states in the eastern part.