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The Germans knew that the Allies were going to invade at some time. The difficulty was in determining WHERE they were going to make their landing. The coastline of France was very large which made it difficult to defend. Through use of deception by the Allies, the German high command was convinced that the best location for the landing was Pas-de-Calias, which was the best port city that was shortest distance from England. A few years earlier, England launched a raiding force that landed in Dieppe, which was defeated. The concept then was that the landing force had to immediately capture a port city so that supplies could be brought in to support the attacking troops. However, Normandy was no where near a city port. They landed in a wide-open beach and they brought their own docks. Then their plan was to spread out and capture the port cities at Cherbourg and others along the coast. This did not fit into the German's theory that the Allies would have to land very close to a port city.

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Q: Why did the Germans not believe you would invade Normandy?
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Where did the German high command think this allied forces would invade?

The Germans were fooled into believing that the Allies would invade France across the narrowest part of the English Channel, to land in or near calais. The landing in Normandy, was initially viewed by the Germans as a diversion.

Where did the German high command believe the invasion of Normandy would occur?

Instead of at Normandy, at Calais, France.

Why was Normandy not the most important battle of World War 2?

Because the Germans were deceived into believing that Normandy was not the real invasion that would come later at the Pas De Calais

Why did the Germans invade England?

The Germans did not invade England in modern times such as during the first or second World Wars. Some German tribes did invade England around the 5th century AD, ending the Roman-British culture established there by the Roman Empire. The main reason the Germans didn't invade in the 2nd world war was the British fought and won against the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain, meaning the British had air superiority. It would be suicidal to attempt air or amphibious invasion without air superiority, therefore the Germans didn't invade.

Why were Germans surprised by allied invasion at Normandy?

The Germans expected the invasion at the Pas de Calais, the narrowest part of the English Channel. Normandy was at one of the widest parts of the Channel, just barely within range of aircraft based in England to provide support to the invaders. There was no large port near Normandy. The Germans knew that a modern army needs tons of supplies every day to keep operating. To get these ashore a port was needed, so the Germans expected the landings near some sizable port city, all of which they had heavily defended. The Allies mounted a disinformation campaign, called Operation Fortitude, to fool the Germans about where the attack would come. This sought to reinforce the Germans belief that the landings would come at the Pas de Calais. So successful was this that Hitler continued to believe for weeks after the Normandy landings that they were only a diversionary attack, and that the main blow would yet come at the Pas de Calais. Believing this Hitler kept strong Germans forces waiting for this attack which never came, forces which, if sent to Normandy, might have succeeded in driving the Allied invaders back into the sea.

Why were the Germans suprised by the invasion of Normandy?

The Allies had deceived them into believing the attack would come later at the Pas de Calais.

Why did the Nazis defend Normandy to Paris?

The German strategy was to repel the invasion, but as that became impossible, the Germans were trying to limit the invasion to the Normandy peninsula which to a large degree was pinned down in the tough 'bocage' country. The Germans were outnumbered in the West, they needed to defend Normandy to prevent the inevitable defeat which would be caused by a foe increasing in men and material.

Why was George s Patton give command of a fake army before d-day invasion?

The Allies set up a fake base so any Nazi spy would think that the invasion would happen in another place than Normandy. Patton really was working with command on the invasion at the base they were going to invade from. The fake base idea worked because the Germans didn't have Normandy beach as well armed as they could have had.

Where in France did Germans think their allies would land?

first answer: the Germans never thought they would land in France, they thought they would land either in Italy or Africa. second correct answer: In World War 2, the Germans thought that when the Allies invaded France, that the Allies would choose to land at the Pas-de-Calais area. The Allies landed in the Normandy area instead. From the German point of view, the Pas-de-Calais area was the obvious choice. It was closer to England and the fastest way to invade Germany and seize the Ruhr industrial region.

Why did D-Day have to occur at Normandy France?

It didn't, it could have been at several places on the French coast. Calais was the prefered site at it is closest to England, but the Germans also knew this and fortified and armed it so heavily that an attack there was almost suicidal. Normandy was the second choice because it was next closest. The Germans also knew this but a heavy deception program by the Allies convinced the Germans that if Normandy was attacked it would only be a diversion prior to attacking Calais. The deception worked and the Germans did not arm Normandy as much as they could have and at the last moment removed reserve Panzer tank units from Normandy to Calais, leaving just the opening the Allies had hoped for. There were other beaches north of Calais that could have been a third choice.

How did the allies trick Hitler into sending his top tank division to calais prior to d- day?

The Allies tricked Hitler by having a French merchant ship drop a dead body with plans of a fake invasion to take place far west of Normandy and on high tide the body was dropped by the Normandy coast and floated to shore and was found by the Germans and delivered to Hitler and he moved a large group of his men to that point and left the rest at Normandy witch was still a lot of Germans and payed little attention to Normandy. Hitler was taken by surprise and could not move his troops to Normandy and waited still thinking that there was an immanent invasion witch would never come. The Allies lost many men and the number would have been worse if the deception trick did not work. We should always be thankful that there were and still are people like that so willing to fight for what they believe in and to fight for other countries and for the United States of America these men were and will always be Heros.

Why Nazi was defeated at Normandy?

because they thought the main invasion would come at pa de calais. when the invasion eventually came in Normandy the Germans could not counterattak because they needed hitlers permission and he was still asleep and noone wanted to wake him. when they did finally counter attack all they could do was slow up the mass of troops comin into France daily. their defeat was by no means rommels fault or the fighting Germans. also the allieds ability to prevent the Germans knowing about the invasion. the parachute operations on eitherside of Normandy prevented the Germans from getting organized.