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Q: Why did the Germans pick october 1st to capture the Jews in the temple?
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Why did the Germans capture the Jews and send them to camops?

because they did not want Jews in their society.

Why did the Germans want to know were all of the Jews where?

So they could capture them and send them to concentration camps

Why did the Germans capture the Jews and then make them do their work?

the Germans captured the Jewish people because Adolf Hitler blamed the Jew for the Germans losing World War 1.

How did the German find out the names of the Danish Jews?

In Number of the Stars, the Germans found out the names of the Danish Jews by looking at the papers in the Temple they go to. They are going to take them somewhere else. This is all on page 35 of your book.

Did Germans hate the Jews?

No, not all Germans hates the Jews. However, the particular group of Germans that hates the Jews were called the Nazi Germans.

What year did the Germans take away rights from Jews?

Jews were removed by force from Germany starting in October 1941. By 1944 there were not many Jews left in Germany ...

Who is the protagonist in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

the protagonists are annemarie, ellen, and the rest of the jews because the germans are trying to capture them. they didnt do anything wrong.

Germans and Jews the same?

No. Not all Germans are Jews and not all Jews are German. But there are German Jews, as well as Jews with many other nationalities.

How did the Germans work the Jews to death?

The Germans worked the Jews to death by having them as sleves

When did the Germans start shipping Jews to Poland?

Some Jews were transported from Germany to Poland in late 1939 and early 1940 on an 'experimental basis'. Routine transports of Jews from Germany to Poland began on 15 October 1941.

How did adolf Hitler's persecution of Jews help help the nazi party secure power in Germany?

He blamed Jews for Germany's problems and encouraged Germans to join the Nazis in attacking Jews.

What happened to the Germans when they liberated the Jews?

There's a muddle here. The surviving Jews were liberated by the Allies, not by the Germans.