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Q: Why did the Gracchi propose the creation of farms on Roman Punlic lands?
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In what century did Gracchi brother try to reform Roman society?

The Gracchi brothers, who were known as Tiberius and Gaius, where nobles in ancient Rome. They tried to reform Roman society during the second century BC.

Brothers who championed the cause of the people?

The Gracchi Brothers are an example of Roman citizens who fought for more right for the people.

During which century did the Gracchi brothers try to reform Roman society?

2nd century B.C. (200-100 B.C.)

Who were the sons of Cornelia?

Cornelia was known to have sons named Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, who were prominent Roman politicians and reformers during the late Roman Republic. Cornelia was a respected Roman matron and mother of the Gracchi brothers.

Which brothers sought to bring property reform to the roman republic?

The brothers who tried to bring property reform to the republic were Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus. They are most commonly referred to in the plural as the Gracchi.

When was Cornelia the roman born?

I assume that this question relates to Cornelia Scipionis Africana the daughter of Scipo Africanus and known as the Mother of the Gracchi. Her exact year of birth is unknown but it is about 190BC she died in 100BC.

What was the purpose of the gracchi brother's reforms?

Tiberius and Gaius Gracchi were tribunes for the plebians in the Roman Republic. They wanted to help the poor by proposing reforms such as limting the size of estates, so the poor could have some piece of land. Unfortunately, senators feared their ideas, and both brothers died violently, causing a civil war to erupt after their deaths.

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How did the Gracchi try to reform Roman society?

The big land owners had progressively taken over the common land when the small farmers, who made up the army, were away on campaign. The small farmers needed the common land to graze their plough ox and also supply fruits, nuts, acorns etc. This left them desperate, and had to sell their land. They could not get rural jobs as the large owners used slave labour as cheaper. The Gracchi brothers tried to stop and reverse this and were murdered for it. This was the beginning of a series of events leading to the 'Roman revolution'.

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Because Women are the crown of God's creation!

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