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The question is too broad to give a very adequate answer to each piece. Each component could be a separate question, and still require lengthy answers. The answer can be given as mostly just opinion at this point, since it is too recent for all historical facts to have been determined and sorted out on all points. Assumptions and bias will likely drive the answer more than facts. Authors have written books on parts of this subject and still haven't fully answered many questions. The background of the divisive behavior and feelings of anger and resentment goes back to Pope Adrian IV in 1154, who became Pontiff of Rome; the only British Pontiff. In 1155 AD, Adrian IV gave divine rite of the Celtic Island, I Ver-I-u; to the Crown of England. The Catholic Priest, known today as St Patrick, dubbed I Ver-I-u "Ireland", and ire (anger) has flourished since that time in the "Anger Land". The British Army was originally welcomed by the Catholic community in Northern Ireland, in the late 1960s, around 1969. It didn't last. Though seen by many as unhelpful, the Good Friday Agreement has defied the odds & power sharing has brought a significant degree of peace to the once troubled Province. The Irish did not like that their land had just been given to the British, and so they started fighting. This, of course, just led to more and more violence from both sides. ---- Many believe that the Celts, like the people of the "New World" that Columbus named Indians, would have been better off without, what they see as, the Imperialistic interference of the Roman Catholic Church. It was said,"Whom do they think they are giving the dwelling places of others away?" ---- Point to note: since the southern "Angry Land" gained emancipation from the British, and named the Land Eira, The Irish Free State, the country has finally been freed from the grip of anger. It has become one of the most stable countries in Europe, and many of those that fled in the angry days are now returning!

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Q: Why did the IRA and British Army begin fighting in the 1970's and why and how was it resolved in the 21st century?
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