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Q: Why did the Italian city states so prosperous?
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Why were the Italian city-states rich and powerful?

were so rich and powerful because after the crusades people flippe dasd gobbledygook youza

Why were Italian so economically prosperous?

They produced a lot of gold. That answer is wrong! Its "they were important centers of trade with the East and the Byzantine Empire"

Who was the major art center for the arts in Italy?

Trade made it prosperous, so Italian patrons could afford art.

Why did Europe's kings allow the Italian city-states to remain independent?

The reason the city-states stayed independent because they became wealthy. The city-states also loaned money to the kings of Europe. The Kings left the city-states alone so they could borrow money from them in the future.

How did Italy's geography make it an early center for the arts?

Trade made it prosperous, so Italian patrons could afford art.

Why did people form city-states?

A nomad tribe settled on a patch of arable land with a water supply and a hill (acropolis) on which to establish a fortress to defend themselves from more nomads and other settled neighbours. As they became prosperous, houses were established around the hill, eventually walled to protect them from invaders, and so maintain their safety and independence. Thus there was a small self-contained community which jealously maintained its independence, an so we call them city-states.

Describe the governments of Italian city sTatES during the reNaIssANce?

Nobles became urban nobles and got money from trade not from land, in Italian city-states, they had to make surer to poor didn't rebel and they had to make deals with merchants, landlords, bankers, church leaders, and missionaries. They had to also deal with the other city state leaders, and so they made diplomacy, diplomacy is the art of negotiating, or making deals, with other countries.Which is also known as theocracies

Which is the city of design and fashion?

== == New York City claims that position. But then, so does London, Paris and numerous Italian cities.

Why have ruins of Pompeii been so well preserved?

The Roman city of Pompeii was situated on the western coast of the Italian peninsula, south of Rome. It was a prosperous city in the Roman empire. In 79 AD CE, Pompeii was the victim of an eruption of the nearby volcano of Mt. Vesuvius. The lava and ashes of this volcano destroyed the people of Pompeii but not the structures and art of the city. These same ashes and solidified lava preserved much of this city and smaller nearby ones. This preservation has given archaeologists a very clear picture of what life was like in this city.

Is Rome a Northern city or a Southern city?

Rome is considered by many to be a southern city, however on the map it is right in the middle of the Italian peninsula, so it can be either.

What is the currency in Salt Lake City?

Well, Salt Lake City is in the United States, so their currency is the United States Dollar.

How many states does Vatican City have?

The Vatican City is a state, so just 1.