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Q: Why did the KKK attack abram cobly?
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Why did the KKK attack abram colby?

He was elected as member of the Georgia Legislature in the 1868 election. As a black man engaging in politics it was seen as 'unnatural' by many of the Southern Whites. Along with this racial science was beginning to grow momentum in the era which also did not help the position of blacks at the time. Taking these into the account the Ku Klux Klan den's of Georgia went out of their way to put a stop to 'Northern Carpetbagger' ideas and halt Reconstruction by violence and intimidation, thus Abram Colby's tragic murder.

Where did the KKK attack?

Seven eleven

What attack have the KKK committed?

lynch and hate crimes..

How many people did the KKK attack?

everybody thats not white

What were the KKK's activities?

they used to attack, rape and kill black people

What group besides African Americans did the KKK attack?


What stoped wegener from proving that the continents were once together?

One key factor that stopped Wegener from fully proving his theory of continental drift was the lack of a plausible mechanism to explain how continents could move. Additionally, Wegener faced resistance from the scientific community who were skeptical of his ideas based on the limited evidence he presented at the time. Lastly, the technological advancements necessary to provide compelling evidence for his theory, such as satellite mapping and deep-sea drilling, were not available during Wegener's time.

Who did the KKK attack?

I don't give answers sorry ! ! OH well I'll tell you ! : D Thee KKK Attacked the African Americans (Black people )... I Think !! : O

How dangerous is the KKK?

the hate is bilnding and cause most of them to attack or toruter jews, blacks,coloed

What seems to be the ultimate goal of the KKK?

The main goal of the KKK was to attack or kill black members of the Loyal Leagues. They would often kill the black people and take their heads to their family members.