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Q: Why did the Mexicans attack the maericans first in the war of 1846?
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Why did the Mexicans attack the Americans first in the war of 1846?

Because American troops were present in the disputed Neuches Strip.

Who led a mission to California to organize Anglos there against Mexicans in 1846?

John C Fremont

What year did the Wilmot Proviso take place?

It was first introduced in 1846.

Was the Zimmerman Telegraph real?

Yes; The British intercepted a telegram sent from Germany to Mexico asking the Mexicans to attack the U.S. if the U.S. got involved in WWI. They promised the Mexicans money and a return of AZ, CA, NM territory lost by the Mexicans to the U.S. in the Mexican American War of 1846-8. Mexico considered it, after all, they did not like the U.S. or Wilson, but were more afraid of the U.S. than Germany. Plus, Germany is 1000s of miles away... it was one of the factors that helped bring us into the war.

What are the dates of the Mexican war?

the first war was on April 25th,1846(1846-1848)

Where on 8 May 1846 was the first battle of the Mexican American War fought?

The Battle of Palo Alto was fought on 8 May 1846.The first battle was the Thornton Affair on 25 and 26 April 1846.

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When was The Philosophy of Composition created?

"The Philosophy of Composition" was written by Edgar Allan Poe in 1846. It was first published in Graham's Magazine in 1846.

When Mexicans leave Mexico where in America would they settle first and why?

On the southwest, specially California and Texas, as those were Mexican territories before the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) and because those states have the largest economies in the US (hence, more job opportunities).

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Halloween first started in 1846.

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Where was the first Mormon temple in IL?

In Navoo in 1846.