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Q: Why did the Native Americans think that the Spanirads where gods?
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Where do Native Americans get their hunting grounds from?

I am not sure if the answer is right but I think the Native Americans get their hunting grounds from their leaders or the "gods" gave it to them. The Native Americans believed that the land doesn't belong to anyone besides the "gods".

Did Native Americans believe in any gods?

No they didn't they more believed in animals as their spirit guides.

What native Americans think happens after death?

Well, it depends on where a certain Native American's ancestry is from. The Native Americans, that live here in the USA, are either from Alaska, Mexico, and India. Only the Native Americans that live in the USA, that have Indian ancestry, believe in Karma & Reincarnation.

According to his report what did the native people think Columbus?

They believed that he and his men were gods, sent from heaven.

Did the ancient Greeks believe that disease came from a natural cause?

No they thought that they were being punished from the gods.

What are the eskimos religions?

eskimos are like native americans so they worship a sun, rain ,snow,ect gods.

Where did many native americans think that gods lived?

The Great Spirit, known as Wakan Tanka among the Sioux, Gitche Manitou in Algonquian, and in many Native American and Aboriginal Canadian cultures as the Supreme Being, God, a conception of universal spiritual force.

How many Gods did the native Americans worship?

Some tribes had many Gods. Some only worshiped the Sun. But most all believe in one Creator who created all of us.

What are some origins of native Americans?

some origions of native Americans is that they made teepees out of buffolo skins and always used every part of an animal when they killed it so that their gods or spirits what ever you would like to call them would not get mad

How did farming affect early American religion?

The Native Americans believed that if they were extremely religious, their gods would bless them with a good harvest.

According to his report what did the native people think about Columbus?

They believed that he and his men were gods, sent from heaven.

What are some differences in native Americans to current inhabadents to Arizona?

Here are some differences: Native Americans used everything they needed, from the the land around them (which was very environmentally friendly), whereas, people in Arizona today take everything they want, not need, from the land (NOT AT ALL environmentally friendly). Also, Native Americans killed animals to get meat, warmth and sacrifice to the Gods, but Americans today kill animals just for their expensive horns, or tusks.