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The Nazis believed that Jews were an inferior race and they didn't want their own race to be 'contaminated'.

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Q: Why did the Nazis outlaw marriage between Jews and other Germans?
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Why did Hitler create conflict between the Germans and the Nazis?

There is something odd about the question. Do you perhaps mean Germans and Jews?

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What year did Nazis stop marriage between Jews and non-Jews?

1935 (September)

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What happened to Germans that weren't Nazi?

Most Germans who were not Nazis had to keep quiet about it.

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The Germans turned to the Nazis only because Hitler was a Nazi and Hitler was a good speaker and became furher

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He blamed Jews for Germany's problems and encouraged Germans to join the Nazis in attacking Jews.

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because they're nazis...


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What did the Nazis believe about the Germans and the Jews?

The Nazis believed many, often contradictory, things about the Jews. One of the Nazis' favourite themes was that the Jews and the Germans were locked in some mysterious struggle for domination of Germany, Europe, even the world!

Who authorized the idea that non-Nazis had to die?

Adolf Hitler. It was not non-Nazis, most Germans were non-Nazis. But yes, it was sanctioned by Hitler.

How did the conflict between the Jews and the Nazis begin and why?

There was no conflict, no war between the Jews and the Germans. If anything, many Jews were inclined to be pro-German. There was a completely unprovoked onslaught by the Nazis against the Jews, mainly because the Nazis regarded Jews as Communists - and Nazism saw the eradication of Communism at its key 'mission'.