

Why did the Nazis want the children to become engineers?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why did the Nazis want the children to become engineers?
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The Nazis did what they did to the Jews

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Children in London and other parts of England were sent to live in Canada to protect them from the bombings by the Nazis.

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because the Nazis considered there to be racial traits passed down within Judaism. They also did not want children growing up seeking revenge.

Women policies by the Nazi?

alot of the Nazis belived that women should be seen but not heard. such as they told them to not wear make up, look plan, not smoke and work all day at home while the husbands earnt all the money. the only thing they thought the women were usfull for was to have chldren and to make the children want to become apert of the Nazis. Hitler mainly wanted the children to be born with blonde hair and blue eyes. he was very controlling!

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NO clearly.

How can you motivate children to write stories?

You can't -- and you shouldn't! If your children want to write stories, they will. If they don't want to be writers, you should not try to force them. You can encourage them to write down their thoughts, and to learn good language skills, but you should not try to make children become anything they don't want to become.

Why did people want to be engineers?

. those people who want to develop newthings, or they want to be called as paioneer of something they develop they are called as engineers, its not just an hobby, it is a passion..

Why did the Nazis want to exterminate whole populations?

The Nazis felt their race was superior to everyone elses

Why do want to be a nanny?

people want to becomee nannys become nannys because they love to work with children and find it rewarding. i supose its like saying why do people want to become bank managers.

Why do you want to be a nanny?

people want to becomee nannys become nannys because they love to work with children and find it rewarding. i supose its like saying why do people want to become bank managers.

What were the Nazis ideals?

bogaloo why do you want to know

What groups did the Nazis want to kill?

The Jews