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It was not the mother of all languages - it was a means of writing language down. Most languages have nothing to do with Phoenician, it was their writing system.

The Phoenician alphabet was adopted and adapted by the Greeks and Romans, from which many languages of the world have based their own alphabets. Of course, some peoples (eg much of the Muslim world), Chinese, Korean, Japanese etc etc) have developed their own writing systems, which cover much of the world today..

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It simplified writing and made it more accurate. Our alphabets of today are descended from it.

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The need for a simpler means of writing than the existing pictograms and syllabic scripts.

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Q: Why did the Phoenician alphabet become so widespread?
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Why is the English alphabet so similar to the Phoenician alphabet?

It's really not similar at all. The Phoenician alphabet has 22 consonants and no vowels. The only similarity is that the English alphabet is a version of the Latin alphabet which was adapted from the Greek alphabet alphabet which was adapted from the Phoenician alphabet.

How are the Phoenician alphabet and cuneiform same?

Those were very different. Cuneiform was hard to learn with many symbols. The Phoenician alphabet had 22 letters so it was easier to master.

How did the Phoenician alphabet influence the alphabet used for English today?

It was modified into Greek and Roman alphabets, and so is a basic fore-runner of the English alphabet.

How did Phoenician people write in?

They invented an alphabet in about 1000 BCE which became the basis of the Greek and latin alphabets, and so our alphabet of today.

How are the Phoenician alphabet and cuneiform writting different?

The Phoenician alphabet is a phonetic script where each symbol represents a sound, while cuneiform writing is a system of wedge-shaped symbols that represent words or syllables. The Phoenician alphabet is simpler and easier to learn compared to cuneiform writing, which was used for multiple languages in ancient Mesopotamia.

Why is the Phoenician alphabet significant?

It formed the basis of the Greek and Roman alphabets, and so our alphabets of today.

What do the cuneiform and the Phoenician have in common?

Those were very different. Cuneiform was hard to learn with many symbols. The Phoenician alphabet had 22 letters so it was easier to mast

How did the Phoenician alphabet connect with the future?

It became the basis for the Greek and Latin alphabets, and so today's alphabets.

Why did the Phoenician alphabet impact on many civilizations?

It became the basis of the Greel and Latin alphabets, and so of our alphabets today.

What was the Phoenician's most important achievement?

Invention of an alphabet and astral navigation.

What is the Phoenicians' greatest legacy to the world?

The Phoenician's most important gift was the Phoenician alphabet. Also known as the Greek alphabet

How is the Phoenicians alphabet and cuneiform different?

Those were very different. Cuneiform was hard to learn with many symbols. The Phoenician alphabet had 22 letters so it was easier to master.