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Q: Why did the Russians flee to America during world war 1?
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The White Russians - orthodox Jews - fled Russia to America

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What caused many German Jews to flee to America?

The Holocaust.

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The boys flee the stable in "Milkweed" because they are being hunted by German soldiers who are looking for Jewish children to send to concentration camps during World War II. They are trying to escape and find safety.

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Where did Charles II flee to London during the plague?


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because he was Jewish and he lived in Germany during world war 2 so he had to move to America to not be persecuted

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In order to save itself, America's bankrupt economy starts a war so that the capitals of the world flee to America.

Why did Jews go to South America during World War 2?

South America had easier immigration requirements than the USA or Canada and was distant enough from Nazi Europe that Jews who went there would not risk the Nazis conquering their host nations in the near future. Ironically, these easier immigration requirements ultimately led to the Nazis who fled from Allied capture and imprisonment to flee to South America as well.

What is the protagonist for the book the night crossing by Karen ackerman?

The protagonist is a young Swiss girl named Clara who has to flee her home during World War II.

Where did the Rabbis flee to during the destruction of the second temple of Jerusalem?

Those who were able to flee went to the town of Yavneh (Talmud, Gittin 56b).

The attempt to flee religious persecution was one reason?

immigrants came to America Apex =]