

Why did the Russians surrender in ww1?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The communists had promised the people peace, land and bread; so when they took control of the government they ended Russia's involvement in the war.

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No-one forced them, they chose to surrender because they thought they were going to lose.

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In WW1 , the Germans were able to reinforce the Western Front .

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Germany had to surrender because the allies were all in Germany their economy was basically destroyed and the Russians were in Berlin and Hitler had committed suicide so they had no leader

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Mobilise thus meaning Germany had to fight the war on two fronts

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Italy never really got involved in ww1... but they were allies with the Russians

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MP40 submachine gun by the germans Thompson by the americans ppsh-41 by the russians

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The Germans and the Austro-Hungarians against the Russians. The Eastern Front was dissolved after Russia's 1917 surrender.

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Japan was heavily involved in WW1 and was asked for help several times by the British - Japan emerged from WW1 victorious and in control of more territory According to my husband, the history buff, Japan was not involved in WW1.

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part of European conquest and rub the noses of the french for the surrender of Germany after WW1. signing being done in France. Germany just getting back to the WW1 victors

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Surely a white cross on a white flag is a white flag ! I surrender !