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Q: Why did the Salem settlement need a theocracy and Why had the settlers begun to turn towards individualism?
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What factors led the US government to shift its policy toward Native Americans from one of coexistence to one of removal?

The quality of the soil in the east was becoming infertile due to excessive farming, so a push towards the western frontier was needed for the growing population. The Native Americans there had to be pushed out because the settlers were too numerous to share with.

What was the goal of the 1763 proclamation?

The primary intent of the 1763 "Royal Proclamation" drafted under King George III was to solidify the British territories assumed after the 7 year war in North America. In addition, I beleive the other motivation for drafting this proclamation was to establish better relations with the Native Indians or as they called them Aboriginals which means original settlers and or native inhabitants. You could say it was a public claim to property anoucement and public relations press release rolled into one. This was evident in the proclamations language which stopped settlers from claiming land within Aboriginal territories. However the rule did state that the settlers could file for claim through the Crown who would conduct the purchase of the desired property with the Aboriginals . This method was probably adapoted to avoid potential disputes between the settlers "the buyers" and the Aboriginal people 'the sellers" which could further disrupt fragil relations. Of course non of the proclamation was drafted with the input of the Aboriginal leaders and was suited towards the colonies interests. Brian Page

Who was Thomas Paine's list of grievances directed towards?

Thomas Paine's list of grievances were directed towards England. The name of these grievances were called Thomas Paine's Common Sense.

What is a declaration of forgiveness and freedom from punishment towards a group of people?

a pardon

What must be form to have many groups come together and work towards legislation and controlling government decisions?

in order to have many groups come together and work towards legislation and controlling government decisions

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Did Nathaniel Hawthorne agree with theocracy?

No, Nathaniel Hawthorne did not agree with theocracy. In his works, such as "The Scarlet Letter," he often critiqued the oppressive and hypocritical nature of Puritan society, which was intertwined with theocracy in colonial New England. Hawthorne's writing demonstrates his skepticism towards theocracy and its implications on individual freedom and morality.

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What is theocracy and how would it affect the view of Salem residents towards witchcraft?

how wouldnt it affect the view of salem residents toward witchcraft?

Did the English settlers have a tendency towards communist thought?

No, communism didn't exist in their time.

How did the attitudes of natives Americans and white settlers towards nature differ?

Native Americans believed nature was sacred. White settlers believed nature was a resource.

How did the attitude of native Americans and white settlers towards nature differ?

native americans believed nature was sacred. white settlers believed nature was a resource

How did the attitudes of native Americans and white settlers towards nature differ?

Native Americans believed nature was sacred. White settlers believed nature was a resource.

Which Renaissance idea does this passage support We have lived enough for others let us at least live out the small remnant of life for ourselves?

APEX: Individualism

The English Resentment after the 7 year war?

the English settlers grew hatred towards the Cherokee

What are the dangers of theocracy government?

Theocracy or religious rulers tend to enacct very strict (religiously based/inspired) laws and are intolerant towards any citicen who is not a member/follower of their religion. They also tend to see things in black and white - after all God's word is supreme and absolute - doing God's work is a justification for anything.

What is a Dendritic settlement?

A settlement characterized by a concentrated center of political/economic control that exerts influence over a series of smaller less significant settlements over a a great distance. The further the lesser settlements are from the elite center the less allegiance they have towards their the capital settlement.

Will the state automaticlly take back childsupport out of a workmans comp settlement?

As long as you owe back child support, the state has any right to take a portion if not the whole amount of the settlement and apply it towards to rearage payment.