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The Second Vatican Council met for three years and issued numerous documents. In those documents, they addressed Adult education, Clergy education, the culture and education, Moral education, parents and education, Religious education, Schools, Seminaries, Curricula, Students, Teachers, the Church's role in education, communications media and education, equal opportunity for education, parental freedom of choice, and the universal right to education. I'm afraid that your question is going to have to be a tad more specific.

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Q: Why did the Second Vatican Council want to change education?
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What did the Second Vatican Council change?

Jesus is love jesus is life

Is one change brought about by the Second Vatican Council services being held in local languages rather than latin?


What was the most visible change in the liturgy after the Second Vatican Council?

The most widely recognized change to the Divine Liturgy brought about by the Vatican II Council is the change from Latin to the vernacular (local) language. The most physically visible change lies in that the priest now faces the congregation while celebrating Mass, as opposed to having their back turned.

What language did the Second Vatican Council change in the Catholic church?

The language of the Church is Latin. Vatican II changed the Mass to be in the language of the people of the country. Latin remains the universal language of the church.

What is the most explicit change in the Church brought by the Vatican II?

Catholic AnswerThe Second Vatican Council was not a doctrinal Council, and thus made NO changes in the Church's doctrine. Vatican Council II, for the first time in history, was an entirely pastoral council. Of the twenty-one ecumenical councils of the Church, Vatican Council II was the only one to not deal with any doctrinal issues. The task assigned to the Council by Pope John XXIII was Aggiornamento, in Italian this means a bringing up to date. The Pope asked the Council to try to speak to the people of modern times, to put things in terms that they could understand, to make things more relevant to them. .Thus the most explicit change in the Church was one where the Church was called to be more outgoing, to train its faithful in the Christian life to realize that, as Christians, they are of necessity, evangelists.

Why do you need a Vatican 2?

The Second Vatican Council had been considered by Pope Pius XII, but Blessed John XXIII actually called it. The Council was primarily a pastoral council to see how the church could deal with the needs of people in the 20th century. The Council did not change the language of the Mass, but allowed for certain parts (such as the readings) to be in the language of the people. Many of the changes that people associate with Vatican Council II such as the design of churches and, even Mass in the common language had been tried before the Council and were brought about by people in the church in opposition to what the documents actually call for. Ultimately, a Council is the work of the Holy Spirit, and so it is God's way of communicating things to us.

What Does Vatican II tell about Celibacy?

Pope Paul VI addressed this question in full at the end of the Second Vatican Council, he issued Sacerdotalis Caelibatus which covered all the different facets of priestly celibacy. That it was from the ancient Church, that is has a deep theological significance, and that the Church is not about to change its stand on this, for more information see the link below.

How did priesthood change after the Second Vatican Council?

.Catholic AnswerThe priesthood itself did NOT change after the Second Vatican Council, however, the role of the laity expanded, and many things which had previously been reserved to minor Orders and which, in practice, were done by priests, were now given to the laity. Lay people became sacristans, acolytes, lectors, ministers of Holy Communion, etc. Well, they didn't become those things, they just started taking on their jobs which had previously been done by priests as there were few ordained acolytes, lectors, sacristans, and ministers of Holy Communion outside of seminaries and monasteries.

How did the first Vatican council change the church?

it promulgated two doctrinal constitutions: Dei filius, which deals with faith, reason, and their interrelations; and Pastor aeternus, which treats the authority of the pope.

When the paradigme shift happen from word confession to reconciliation?

The shift from confession to reconciliation happened after the Second Vatican Council. The change signified that the Church wanted people to understand that their sins were forgiven. Less emphasis was put on guilt and damnation to Hell, and higher emphasis on forgiveness if the person repented of their sins.

Did Vatican II change the name of CCD to faith formation?

No, the Second Vatican Council did not do that. "CCD" was the name of a Confraternity established in Rome in the sixteenth century Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. To the best of my knowledge, it is still there and still issues materials. Most of the Catechetical materials used in English speaking countries, however, are not from the CCD anymore but from other organizations. You can't really use "CCD" for your program if you are using someone's else's materials.

When was World Mayors Council on Climate Change created?

World Mayors Council on Climate Change was created in 2005.