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Q: Why did the Tokugawa shoguns consider big castles a danger to the state?
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The new rule of Tokugawa Shoguns, and new danger faced from trade.

What problems weakened shogun rule in japan in the mid 1800s?

The new rule of Tokugawa Shoguns, and new danger faced from trade.

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Kings and Queens and they would keep serfs in it too if in danger

Why were medieval castles needed for safety?

Medieval castles were needed for safety because they protected people from invaders and other dangers. Castles were also built to defend from danger. They were equipped with high walls, murder holes, cover for soldiers, and more.

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If all or part of the proposed route is a road, the platoon considers the road a danger area.

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This is when you are driving in between two cars, one to the right and one to the left. You are in the middle and that is consider a "danger alley". This is not a safe position in a freeway.

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The threat to a free press.

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He Believed it had too much power.

Why were castle necessary?

Castles were mainly used for protecting land and towns eg Cardiff and Warwick castle. Also to protect from invading forces like other attacking armies trying to take more land. The motte bailey castles were mainly built to protect royalty such as the king or queen also the lord and the barons and his or her citizens. They were also built to intimidate local people.

When does the platoon consider the road dangerous?

If all or part of the proposed route is a road, the platoon considers the road a danger area.

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Microsoft should and does consider Linux a threat in the enterprise desktop and server market. They are also in danger of losing market share in netbooks and ultralight laptops.

What is the danger zone of and adult fever?

There is not a specific danger zone for a fever in an adult. A fever for an adult is consider to be 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. If it reaches102 or higher and does not respond to fever reducing medication, medical attention is needed.