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President Truman was a staunch supporter of the state of Israel.


We'd like to ask you to listen to a short part of a poem that goes like this:

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Maybe you know where this wide-open welcome to the seeming dregs of humanity

comes from. Maybe you don't.

It's the last few lines of the poem inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty in

New York Harbor ... the first American words in English seen by many ship loads of

immigrants and refugees arriving in the USA.

It puts the promise of this country in writing. It says: "No matter how you were

treated where you came from, no matter how down-and-out you've become or

how hopeless things seem, here's what this place stands for, and we want to

be sure you know it even before you come ashore here. This place is different.

You're welcome here, and you're free here."

That's what it says. Do we still mean it ? Did we ever mean it ?

In the last days of World War II, and then in the days after Germany's collapse,

even with significant knowledge of the Nazis' domestic genocide in parallel with

their war operations, the US and the 'allies' still restricted the arrival of European

refugees to a trickle. That means that having lost everything and escaped with

nothing but their lives, they were denied rescue during the war, and the majority

were denied sanctuary after it.

The US could hardly have maintained its saintly facade, and the holy sentiments

carved into the Statue's foundation, with a straight face, if it had also worked

Behind the Scenes of world diplomacy to also deny them access to the historic

homeland in which they wanted nothing but to live and die. Surely within any

memory, there were none more tired, more poor, more homeless, more wretched,

or more yearning to breathe free. To publicly refuse support of the restoration of

Israel would have left the United States a world laughingstock, wearing a toothy

grin, a straw hat and baggy pants, full of lofty, empty words signifying exactly

nothing. For a nation founded on ideals, it was time to put up or shut up.

Recall also that the partition of Palestine into two regions, with one of them

under the administration of the Jewish community, was a United Nations

resolution, approved by a majority of the General Assembly six months earlier.

Of course the US lobbied other UN members in support of its position. That's

what politicians and diplomats do. It's how compromise and consensus are built.

But to say that the US twisted arms and forced its desires upon others, and that

the other nations of the world were tricked and grudgingly pressured by the US

into passing a resolution that gagged them, is to insult those foreign nations and

their UN representatives, and to cherry-pick the evidence to conform to one's prejudices.

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Q: Why did the US support the creation of israel in 1948?
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Why were some US government officials concerned by support for Israel in 1948?

Because some Zionist groups (like the Lehi/Stern Gang and the Irgun) were considered terrorists prior to 1948 by both the British and the Americans. Additionally, many US officials thought that by supporting Israel that they would be "backing the wrong horse" so to speak. The Israelis seemed much weaker than the Arabs and the Arabs were much more likely to hold a grudge against those who supported Israel. (Supporters of Israel in the State Department argued that the US should support Western democracies wherever possible.) It was as a result of this division of opinion that the US State Department was neutral in regards to Israel from 1948-1967.

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Does the US support Israel?

Are you kidding. Sure USA supports Israel, unconditionally and blindly.

What was one result of US strong support for Israel?

one resolt is that the us strong ary hate the israel people

Is there a silverlining for the Holocaust?

One of the silvernings could be a) The Creation of the State of Israel, b) the unconditional support of Israel by the US and c) the fact that every Jewish (male or female) is now better off than before WW2. There are of course many more silverlinings...

Did the US ever take Israel or Palestine away from the Jews?

Answer 1I am not sure what you mean. Israel was created as a sovereign nation in 1948. Prior to that, Jews were scattered throughout the world, including in what was then called Palestine. History shows that Jews had in fact lived in the middle east for many centuries, and while the creation of Israel was controversial to some people in the Arab world, most of the rest of the world (including the US) decided to support the idea. Since the country of Israel is a sovereign nation, just like other countries, the US cannot "take it away" from anyone.Answer 2It was the Romans who kicked the Jews out of the Land of Israel nearly 2000 years ago, not the United States. The United States has consistently defended Israel's Right to Statehood and became a strong ally of Israel after 1967.

What was the US action in 1948 inflamed Arab resentment towards the US?

reconized Isreal

What role did the US play in the creation of Israel in 1948?

The US leadership played a key role in getting UNGA Resolution 181 (II) passed. This is the resolution which gave Israel the legal legitimacy to declare statehood. However, the US was absent from the actual machination of the independence declaration which was performed by the First Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and the First Israeli President Chaim Weizmann.

When did the US start supporting Israel?

Within a few days after it became a sovereign nation in May, 1948.

Who or what that favored the establishment of Israel in 1948?

The United Nations favored and arranged the formation of the new state of Israel. Most if not all of the civilized world favored having Israel. It is a democratic nation and the US and Israel have a great relationship. This will improve with whomever is the next US president.

Who was the president during the creation of the modern state of Israel?

At the time, the US president was Harry S. Truman The first President of Israel was David Ben Gurion.

Were the Arab nations pleased when the U.S. gave aid to Israel during the Yom Kippur War?

No. They were not happy in the slightest. They actually began an Oil Embargo on all Western countries for the US support of Israel.