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The US was actually planning both (23 atomic bombs in 1945 and invasion in late october 1945 followed by more atomic bombs in 1946 and a second invasion in spring 1946), the invading troops would be fighting on the world's first "atomic battlefield" with atomic bombs detonating within sight of invading US troops roughly twice each week through the duration of the invasion. Both Japanese and invading US troops would be exposed to fallout from these bombs every day.

Fortunately the Japanese surrendered after only the first 2 atomic bombs and more than a month before the first planned invasion, making the rest of the US plans unnecessary.

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Q: Why did the US use atomic bombs instead of trying an invasion of japan?
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Why the US use an atomic bomb to end the war in the pacific?

Japan refused to surrender. Japan did not believe in surrender, and hated people who did surrender instead of dying to the last person. Pres. Truman dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and Japan surrendered. It was either two atomic bombs or invasion of Japan. Invasion of Japan would mean that the war would last another year and kill a lot more people than the atomic bombs did. Japan surrendered after Nagasaki was bombed, not after Hiroshima. It was either the atomic bombs or invasion. Atomic bombs were the lesser of two evils.

Why did the US drop the atomic bombs?

Because Japan had attacked Pearl harbor & we were not ready for such an invasion such as that one & also because it was to slow the Japanese down from trying to attack the Us again.

Why did America want to save Americans lives by dropping atomic bombs?

To avoid an invasion of Japan

What was Truman's main reason for dropping the atomic bomb instead of invading Japan?

It was not "instead of", he was doing both. It is just that Japan surrendered in August 1945 after the second atomic bomb (of 23 planned atomic bombs before the end of 1945) instead of waiting for the invasion to begin in November 1945. It took time to set up the men, weapons, and supplies for the two planned invasions (November 1945 and spring 1946) while the atomic bombs were ready to use starting on August 6, 1945.

Did japan drop bomb on the us after the us dropped the atomic bombs on japan?

No, the Japanese military did not drop any bombs on the USA after the atomic bombs were used on Japan. The bombs and pending invasion by the Soviets and the Americans (and allies) motivated the Emperor Hirohito to surrender to the Allied Forces.

What 2 countries are trying to develop atomic bombs?

North Korea and Iran.

What did scientists want to do instead of bombing the city of Hiroshima?

Instead of the atomic bomb they rather use fire bombs instead because they were sure the atomic bomb will crush the earth crust.

What were the causes that led to the okinawa battle?

The major cause of the battle of Okinawa was for strategy. The U.S. was capturing islands around Japan preparing for an invasion of main land Japan. It never happened. INstead we dropped 2 atomic bombs on them.

What bombs were made because of atomic bombs?

More & higher yield atomic bombs, I guess.

Is uranium in atomic bombs?

Yes, uranium can be used in atomic bombs.

In what war were the atomic bombs dropped?

Atomic bombs were dropped in WWII

What was an argument used in favor or dropping atomic bombs in japan?

it would prevent high casualties that would be caused by an invasion of mainland Japan.