

Why did the US want to stay out of World War 1?

Updated: 10/21/2020
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13y ago

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The US didnt want war

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Q: Why did the US want to stay out of World War 1?
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They didn't want war. They wanted to stay neutral so they could lose as little lives as possible.

Why did the us stay out of World War 1?

because they were pussys

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They were trying to get out of the Great Depression and weren't interested of what was going on in Europe as they didn't want to get into another war.

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George Washington was the US president who wanted to stay out of World War I. He was adamant on meddling with any affairs of Europe in general.

What did the US adopt to try to stay out of World War 2?

The US had a policy of neutrality.

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World Peace.

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the us decided to enter world war because they want the resources of france, and they want to keep on ruling france.

What was the initial policy of the US at the beginning of both World War 1 and World War 2?

To stay neutral and not get involved.

Which world war did the us try to stay out of?

The US tried to stay out of both. The majority was against the foreign war both times. However, Japan brought the war to the US directly and made the attempt much smaller.

Why was the US determined to stay neutral in World War 2?

Because most of us did not want involved in foreign affairs such as brutal conflict. That was, until Japan bombed us. Then, it was all over for the enemy.

What was the us view on World War 2?

us did not want to be part of it