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Q: Why did the United states being the Manhattan project?
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What was a good thing that the Manhattan project brought?

The Manhattan Project required huge amounts of computational power to analyze the mountains of data being generated in the laboratories.It gave birth to the modern electronic computer.^^^^^PLZ see Turning's Cathedral by Geo Dyson (6mar12)

Does the US have a program somewhat like the Manhattan project?

Sure- There is nothing special about developing bombs. They are always being refined/improved.

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United States United States

How long is the term of a senator and a representative?

An United States Senator's term is 6 years long with the requirements of 9 years of being in the United States An United States Representative's term is 2 years long with the requirements of 7 years of being in the United States

What could have been done to prevent the Manhattan Project?

Not being in war with a country that was already making progress in that technology. The Manhattan project was the result of intelligence information that the Germans were working on the same thing. On the other hand, technology has a way of developing. Scientists were already investigating the power that could be generated, but more from a theoretical perspective. The war just put the project into the hands of the military.

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Being American means being a citizen of the United States.

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judicial decisions, legislation, and societal values. The interpretation and application of due process evolve over time to reflect changes in legal principles and societal norms, ensuring fair treatment and protection of individual rights.

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According to Wikipedia, Midtown Manhattan, NY alone has the largest skyline in the world, being home to such notable buildings as the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, Citigroup Center and Rockefeller Center. Lower Manhattan, NY alone comprises the third largest skyline in the United States (after Midtown and Chicago's Loop).

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The elimination of rabies in the United States is due to domestic animals being vaccinated and being educated on rabies.

What does Obama like?

being the president of the United States Of America.

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Being our last President of the United States

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Antonin Scalia is primarily known for being a United States Supreme court justice and for being a general counsel under United States President Nixon.