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Trench warfare limited territorial gains on either side.

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Q: Why did the Western Front barely move throughout World War 1?
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Why did the western frontier barely move throughout world war 1?

I assume you mean the western front in Europe. It didn't move much because both sides were dug into trench systems and everything became bogged down.

What Western aspects of culture have spread throughout the world?

Modern clothes, the Western idea of materialism have spread throughout the world.

When did Western Front - World War I - happen?

Western Front - World War I - happened on 1914-08-04.

World war two in Europe campaign?

The western allies on the western front, and the Soviets on the Russian Front.

What was the critcial battle front in world war 1?

The Western front

What was the critical battle front world war 1?

the Western Front-novanet

Where was the stalemate of World War I?

On the western front, along France's eastern border (it was called the western front because it was on the west of Germany.

Why was Winston Churchill reluctant too open a western front against Germany?

He remembered the slaughter on the Western Front in World War I.

What war was fought with the Germans on the western front?

World Wars I and II were fought against the Germans on the western front. Whereas the Western Front in the First World War was very static (only moving a few miles each way during the course of the whole war, the western front in the Second World War lasted less than a year with the crushing defeat of France

What was it like to fight on the eastern battle front in World War I?

Read "Silence on the Western Front" While it is a boo about the western front, it is very similar to the eastern, and the best book out there about war during World War 1.

Who was on the westeren front of World War 1?

The Western Front was between Germany and England/ France.

Why did World War 1 end on the eastern front before it did on the western front?

cuz they won