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Q: Why did the attempt to make Navajos farmers fail at Bosque Redondo?
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Which Union general put Indians at Bosque Redondo?

The Union general who put Indians at Bosque Redondo was W. T. Sherman. He was actually one of the signers of the Treaty of Bosque Redondo.

Where is the Bosque Redondo Memorial located?

New Mexico

The Bosque Redondo Memorial is located in which state?

New Mexico!

How many navajos died in the long walk?

It is not known exactly how many died on the actual walk but it is thought that during the walk and the four years internment at Bosque Redondo about 1/3 of the 10,000 died. It was a very traumatic experience for the Navajo people.

Why is the Bosque Redondo Memorial called a Site of Conscious?

The Bosque Redondo Memorial is called a Site of Conscience because it commemorates a dark period in American history when the Navajo and Mescalero Apache were forcibly removed from their land and imprisoned there by the US government. It serves as a place of reflection, education, and healing for visitors to learn about the impact of colonization on Native American tribes.

How long did the Navajo Indians long walk last?

This was a 450 mile trek that lasted about 22 days . At least 200 Navajos died of cold and starvation. 53 different groups of Navajo made the trip there. Each group walked a slightly different route. Between 8,000 and 9,000 people traveled the route with a peak population of 9,022 in Bosque Redondo by the spring of 1865. After they arrived at the Fort Sumner New Mexico, many more died. The land was not suitable to agriculture and neither were the Navajos so four years later, the government allowed the Navajo to return to their homes. Actually more than 3,500 navajos died of starvation, cold weather, no food or water, no medicines. but the trip actually took 18 days because some of the army 'privates' forced the navajos to walk 20 miles a day or in some cases more.

Where is the Bosque Farms Public Library in Bosque Farms located?

The address of the Bosque Farms Public Library is: 1455 W. Bosque Loop, Bosque Farms, 87068 9077

When was BOSQUE created?

BOSQUE was created in 1975.

When did the Navajo long walk?

Navajos started surendering to Kit Carson in July 1863. In January 1864 the 450 miles forced marches to Fort Sumner in New Mexico Territory in the area called Bosque Redondo. The Navajo call this place Hwéeldi. About 9000 people made this trip. About 50 groups over about 7 trails made this trip. In 1865 there were 9,022 people there. On the walk back, in June 18, 1868, they walked in one group that was 10 miles long.

Who was in the long walk of the long Navajos?

More than 3000 people died in the battles, walk and internment in the years between 1863 and 1868. The exact number can't be known. There were about 8,500 Navajos who were forced to move to Bosque Redondo (Round Woods in Spanish, Hwéeldi in Navajo- "place of suffering" ) . Kit Carson led, at the direction of General Carleton, a scorched earth campaign to starve the Diné out and force them into internment camps. The march was about 300-400 miles for most people. They traveled in 53 different forced marches between August 1864 and the end of 1866. They traveled on seven different routes. They were forced to walk as much as 13 miles a day. It is not known exactly how many people died on the trips. It is thought to be about 200-400 died over the 18 day trip. It is not known how many died of starvation and disease and gunshot while fighting Kit Carson and his men. Some Navajos evaded them. They fled to Navajo Mountain, the Grand Canyon, the lands of the Chiricahua Apache, and to parts of Utah. The most famous group was led by Hoskininni. He and his people later settled in the Monument Valley and Kayenta areas. Once at Bosque Redondo, the conditions were horrible. There were disease epidemics, starvation, crops failed, there were floods, army worms, 500 Mesquelero Apache who were enemies were there, Comanche attacked over and over, the army men stole the food and money. In all about 2700 died during the time there. The Diné were allowed to return home in 1868.

When was Bosque School created?

Bosque School was created in 1994.

When was Héctor Bosque born?

Héctor Bosque was born on 1978-08-15.