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Q: Why did the bank robber run home and jump in the show on the back?
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Why did the bank robber run home and jump into the shower?

The bank robber ran home and jumped into the shower to try and wash off any dye pack or other identifying markers that may have been placed on the stolen money during the robbery. By getting rid of these markers, the robber hoped to avoid detection by authorities.

Why did the bank robber run home and jump in the shower?

If it's for a math worksheet thing, the answer is "That's where he had his hide out"

Why did the bank robber run hom and jump in the shower?

thats here he had his hide out

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You Get On The Bank Booth And Jump on The Plant Ledge And You Jump To Her

How do you beat the bank robber on Super power island?

Copycat has blasted open the bank vault. When you arrive, she splits into 10 copies and runs to different areas of the bank. She sets off a smoke bomb, also. You have to catch all 10 copies (5 downstairs and 5 upstairs) before the smoke becomes too thick to see. The keys to beating her are 1) get the closest copy first, and 2) call for the slow elevator before you actually need it. Jump up on the bank vault door and catch the copy perched above it. Then jump down and hit two more as you move right. Call the elevator before getting the next two (on the counter and an overhead light). Get on the elevator, but jump out before it reaches the top, and subdue the 5 copies on the second floor. The last one will be the real Copycat. Knock her down and cuff her. (You will be back at the prison and get a sticker for your ID card.)

How do you get your bin pet back in your garden when it is out of it?

To Get your Pet Back you must learn Jump on/Off. The Pet will simpely Jump on you back and you can walk back to the Garden.

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back of the board for your approach and front for the jump

What is a bank erosion?

a bank erosion is when the river side takes the dirt and soil from the sides of the ground we stand on were we what to jump in at

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Jump onto the plug/socket and then jump onto the back of the fan and then jump over the fan blade.

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All you halfto do is click on you binpet then press the jump on botton you might halfto click on it 2 times and your nice binpet might jump on but if it is two hunngry it might jump on you back

I cant seem to do a back handspring. I just jump up and dont go back my spotter has to pull my legs back.?

It takes lots of practice and repetition. One day you will get it and wonder why it took you so long. Doing drills such as jump-back (stand on the floor, set and jump back onto a big soft mat, like at the end of your tumble track. Work on getting as far back as you can) or doing back handsprings over barrel (round or octagonal mat. Set and jump back. The mat will only roll you aver if you jump back)

Where is the last copy cat on poptropica?

IN the bank, after getting all of the copy cats go over by the smoke bomb and jump up on the money drawers and you will see her on the other side of the wall so get back down quickly and jump up on the plant near the elevator and over to the left and jump over again to the left. (Not completely Sure)