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Q: Why did the border states chose to remain in the US even though they wanted slaves?
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Why did the border states not secede even though they held slaves?

Because those states were divided in pro and anti-Confederate opinion, and voted (sometimes narrowly) against secession.

Which union states boredered states that seceded were these border states free states or slave states?

None of the Border States seceded even though they were slave states.

What border did not secede?

Borders do not secede though some states did.

In what states did slaves find freedom after travelling the underground railroad?

The Northern States and Canada, but I don't know what the Northern States are though!

Why did the border states that bordered the union states and the confederacy states did not want to join the confederacy even though they practiced slavery?


Which of the following were border slave states that stayed with the Union?

Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware and Maryland were border states that remained in the union but still allowed slavery. The state legislatures of Kentucky, Delaware and Maryland voted to remain. Missouri voted to leave the union but union troops stormed the state capital and installed a pro union government to insure they remained with the union. Prior to the Emancipation Proclamation captured slaves were returned to their masters in Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware and Maryland and in fact there are records of the Union Army conducting slave auctions in the border states.

What 3 states are on the western border of the US?

The answer you're probably looking for is Washington, Oregon, and California, which are the states in the conterminous US that border the Pacific Ocean ... though Alaska and Hawaii are further west.

Why weren't slaves free in border states during the civil war?

because he issued the Emancipation Proclaimation that applied to slave states that left the Union. he wanted the border states to stay loyal to the Union and besides.... the border states never did secession anyways. hope this helps! :)

What cause three border states to remain in the union?

The strength of the Union is what caused the three border states to remain in the Union. The states had to take a look at the fighting sides and decide which they felt would benefit them the most at the end of the war.

What was the emancipation results for many blacks?

The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 proclaimed for all states rebelling to emancipate/free slaves. This Proclamation did not however affect the slavery of the states that were loyal to the Union, though they were still eventually freed. The Confederacy did not release their slaves however upon hearing this. Though when the slaves heard, some of them fled to the Union.

Why was the three fifth compromise included in the constitution?

To get both the northern and southern states to agree to it. The southern states wanted slaves counted in the population for determining representation in Congress (even though slaves couldn't vote). The northern states wanted them excluded.

What body of water and states border north of Iowa?

Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Nebraska border Iowa. no oceans do though.