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Q: Why did the british allow the french to keep new France to keep there law?
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Why did French immigrants come to America and when?

The French claimed New France one year after Jamestown was founded. The French government was driven by the same impulses as the British crown, determined to keep up with the British as far as colonization of the New World. The problem was that most French citizens did not want to come to the area known as New France. The soil and climate were not suited for farming. The soil and climate of Nova Scotia were worse than New England. Most French settlers were laborers or tradesmen, not farmers. The crown would only allow French citizens in their colonies. The Huguenots, for example, were harassed in France and eventually many ended up in the British colonies. The French did find a good trade with the Indians in furs and trapping animals for their fur became an important industry as well as colonial fishing. The French colonies grew slowly.

What was the significance of the french alliance?

to keep the France out of the u.s.

Who won the French and Indian War and what did the victors get?

Great Britain was the victor and the British received Canada from France and Florida from Spain. However, it permitted France to keep its West Indian sugar islands and gave Louisiana to Spain.

Why did British ships attack American ships in 1812?

They technically didn't attack the ships. What they did was impress the American sailors into the British Navy. This means that they captured American sailors and forced them to join the British Navy and fight the French (Napoleon).

Who is the french admiral who helped keep the British fleet occupied?

Wasn't that Degrasse?

What action did the French take to keep the british out of the Ohio river valley?

the french built forts to protect the area

What actions did french take to keep the british out of the Ohio river valley?

the french built forts to protect the area

How did the french help Washington defeat the british at Yorktown?

The French sent a fleet to keep the British forces under Lord Cornwallis from receiving supplies, so eventually he had to surrender.

What did people fight for in the French and Indian War?

First of all the "indians" were the British because the 13 colonies belonged to the Brits and they fought France so they could keep the 13 colonies and the Ohio valley was what France was really after.

Why did France need to sell Louisana to the US?

France had lost control of Canada. To keep hold of Louisiana would be a tactical nightmare for France if the British attackedFrance's forces were spread too thin. There were riots in French-owned Haiti, they were suffering the negative effects of the French-Indian war and they were being attacked by Britain in Europe (because of Napoleon)Napoleon had almost bankrupted France with his costly (and failing) military campaign against the British. He sold Louisiana to pay for the war against Britain - which France lost and Napoleon ended up a British prisonerIt was a focal point of Franco-American hostilities, which Napoleon didn't want, so he sold it to the Americans so he didn't have to deal with an American attack (as said above, French forces were already too thin)

Why did British and French forces almost go to war at Fashoda in the Sudan?

British and French forces almost went to war at Fashoda in the Sudan in 1898. The French were trying to gain control of the upper Nile to keep Britain out of Sudan.

Why did France grant independence to Morocco and Tunisia in 1956 but not to alegria?

The French granted full independence to Morocco and Tunisia in 1956 because Algeria was home to one million French settlers,France chose to keep control there.