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Q: Why did the british government relax rules regulating trade for the American colonies in the late1600s?
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Early colonies contributed to the principles of modern American government through self government and the election of their local leaders.

The British government of the American colonies?

never developed an effective, centralized government.

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the american colonies under gereat britan

How did the early colonies to the principles of modern American government?

freedom of religion

What ideas and traditions influenced government in the American colonies?

Trade and mercantilism shaped the government of the British colonies.

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The feasibility of representative government in the American colonies had been demonstrated by the self-governing successes in Massachusetts and Virginia. When they were drafting the Constitution, the delegates had these examples to inspire them.

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Religion and Virtue contributed to the growth of representative governments in the American Colonies by supporting them and not rebelling (I THINK)

What government did American colonies want in 1786?

They wanted a government free from tyranny and with more freedoms such as religious and a little voice in the government.

What are some examples of dependent and independent colonies?

There are no examples to give you if you are asking about American colonies. The colonies were all English colonies and had the king as the head of government. They were all dependent on England.

What caused the British government to take more interest in the American colonies?

There were several factors that all worked together to draw Britain's attention to the American colonies. The first factor was France and Spain's withdraw from the American colonies, leaving Britain as the only control. The thirteen colonies between South Carolina and Main had also grown in trade and economy. The colonies had also developed urban centers and large populations, this meant that the colonies had a strong economy and society independent from the British government which drew Britain's attention.